Chapter 54 A Gentleman Won't Hurt Others

1186 Words

No matter how reluctant Elizabeth was to stay with the York family, it was better than returning to Beverly Hills to face Samuel alone. Samuel was a vengeful man. If she hadn't been so quick-witted, she would have been beaten by that man! "Humph, as a man, he is so narrow-minded. No wonder his son doesn't recognize him!" Retribution. The other members of the York family left one after another. In the end, there were only two sons left by Tomas's side and Elizabeth said, "Tomas, I want to stay with you tonight." How could Tomas not understand what she was thinking? He smiled and said, "I'm an old man. It's not convenient for you to follow me at night." "But Tomas, I haven't chatted with you for a long time. I've been busy since I came back. I haven't talked to you." Elizabeth didn't

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