Chapter 037 Celia Forgot Her Lines

1042 Words

One had to admit that Celia was a very clever person. Even at this point, she didn't forget to sympathize with the crew. It was probably the reason why her poor acting skills could convince the crew. She must have frequently bribed the crew at ordinary times. The director glanced at Elizabeth, who was still hanging in a tree and felt angry. "Everyone takes a fifteen-minute break!" If they continued like that, they wouldn't have filmed anything worthwhile all morning. Although the drama was nearing its end, he promised to release it by the end of the year. There was still a lot of work to be done in post-production, and he was getting anxious to death. Kelvin left with a scowl, and Duke followed up to console him. "Don't be angry. This is how Celia is. She never passes on the first try.

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