Chapter 033 A Turkey Could Never Become an Eagle

1136 Words

"Who allowed you to bring him here? Get out of here right now!" Samuel's gloomy gaze fell on Hugo. Elizabeth stepped forward and protected Hugo behind her. "Samuel, this is my guest." Samuel's ferocious eyes almost pierced her. Just as he was about to speak, Steven exclaimed as if he had discovered a new continent, "Gosh, Samuel, how did you get injured on your wrist? Who could possibly hurt you? Mom would be so worried and concerned. I'll have to tell grandpa first, in case he sees it tomorrow." On the other hand, Samuel looked at Elizabeth with a playful expression, wanting to see how she was going to explain to Grandpa Tomas. He would keep the wound on his wrist. Elizabeth thought to herself, "Steven, how about the contract?" Elizabeth could only change the subject, afraid that he

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