Part 1—Dropped from the Clouds-12

2001 Words

And the sailor recounted all that had passed the day before. He amused the engineer by the history of the single match, then his abortive attempt to procure fire in the savages’ way. “We shall consider,” replied the engineer, “and if we do not find some substance similar to tinder —” “Well?” asked the sailor. “Well, we will make matches. “Chemicals?” “Chemicals!” “It is not more difficult than that,” cried the reporter, striking the sailor on the shoulder. The latter did not think it so simple, but he did not protest. All went out. The weather had become very fine. The sun was rising from the sea’s horizon, and touched with golden spangles the prismatic rugosities of the huge precipice. Having thrown a rapid glance around him, the engineer seated himself on a block of stone. Herber

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