Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Whatever the Honorable William J. Bidulph might think and say, the funds of the Centenary were very seriously threatened. Indeed, Kin-Fo’s plan was not of that kind, which, on reflection, one postpones executing indefinitely. Being utterly ruined, Wang’s pupil had thoroughly resolved to end an existence which even in the time of his prosperity brought him only sadness and ennui. The letter which was not delivered for a week by Soun came from San Francisco, and gave notice of the suspension of p*****t’ of the Central Bank of California. Now, Kin-Fo’s fortune consisted almost entirely, as we know, of stock in this celebrated bank, which had previously been so sound. But the situation was not to be doubted. Improbable as the news might seem, it was unhappily only too true. The sus

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