Chapter 98 Berg, I seem sick

600 Words

Chapter 98 Berg, I seem sickThe young master has become more and more strange recently. Also don't know what he is thinking, often do everything, also let a person strange. Just now, the young master found the beautiful woman himself, but she was blown out in less than half an hour. Maybe... … … Berg could not resist his foolish ideas and even forgot the housekeeping ethics. Seeing that Kevin had not spoken for a long time, he could not help but ask, "Master, is that young lady not satisfied?" "Berg, did you say I liked Melody last time?" Kevin leaned against the back of the chair with one hand on his chin, looking solemn. "Er..." Berg hesitated. "Is that the same question?" "I feel as if I am ill." Berg froze. It took him a long time to react. "Master, what's wrong wit

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