Chapter 93 Kevin, did you take the wrong medicine today?

650 Words

Chapter 93 Kevin, did you take the wrong medicine today?Anger "rub rub rub" up, Kevin grabbed her hand, lifted her up, "Melody! Have the ability to you! Even my words dare to resist!" "Oh, what are you doing?" Melody knocked out his hand, impatient. "If you want to eat, let the chef do it, I won't do it!" She is still bothering with these questions, so she has no time to do them. "Melody! I'll give you three seconds, will you do it or not?" As soon as Kevin's temper came up, he could not control so much. Melody is also stubborn temper, "don't do it! Do it yourself." "You!" Kevin's Qi Ju. Pacing back and forth in the study, his hands akimbo, roared, "what's the matter with you woman? Now is it to show me my face?" "If the royal master thinks he is looking at my face, he can g

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