Chapter 73 He was seduced by this woman

689 Words

Chapter 73 He was seduced by this womanBerg came out of the kitchen and served breakfast. "Master, this is the new dish developed by the chef today." "Wow, it looks delicious..." Melody happily stretched out her hand to carry it, but was intercepted by a big hand. Later, Kevin took only one bite and became furious instantly. "What is that! How could people eat it?" He said, throwing the knife and fork in his hand, "Let the chef come out!" Suddenly, the atmosphere in the restaurant became strange. Melody had no idea what was going on, but she could feel the oncoming anger. "Master." The chef stood by trembling. "Is this human food? Can you eat this?" Kevin picked up the plate and asked angrily. "This..." 'Bang'-- The plate fell at the chef's feet, leaving a mess. Melody got a

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