Chapter 56 Marry Melody as wife

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Chapter 56 Marry Melody as wife"Uh-huh." Sandy nodded. At that time, when she heard these words, she was also very surprised. "It's too exasperating. I don't know what she did to John. He actually fascinated her so much." Beatrix frowned and said displeasure. "Mom, how can you say that?" Sandy warned: "It was her who should have married John, but now he just doesn't want to change." As soon as this was said, Beatrix became even more angry. "How could you say that? I did this for whom? You wholeheartedly helped your good sister, did she thank you? Besides, how did her dirty body marry into the family? If she was abandoned by John on the wedding, that would be a shame foe us." "Enough, stop!" Anthony interrupted her impatiently. Beatrix glanced at Sandy, sat down beside Anthony and

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