Chapter 49 smashed the car!

671 Words

Chapter 49 smashed the car!Seeing this, the police immediately stepped forward to stop it, but were stopped by the bodyguards brought by Kevin. Someone recognized Kevin and whispered, "He is Kevin." Everyone froze and did not dare to do it again. Kevin untied his cuffs handsomely, rolled up his sleeves and sneered, "If you dare to hit my woman, you are also daring." After saying that, he kicked in the man's stomach. In a moment of pain, the man cried out. Melody stopped Kevin in consternation. "What are you doing!" Beating people was going to be caught, not to mention at the police station. "Shut up!" Kevin glanced at her displeased. "I have never seen such a faggot woman as you, and even let him beat you!" Melody was too scared to speak and lowered her head. Kevin stared at Melo

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