Chapter 44 See how well these two people match each other.

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Chapter 44 See how well these two people match each other.She didn't know whether Kevin's arms were too comfortable or she was too sleepy. Melody fell asleep after a while against him. When they arrived at school, she didn't know at all. "Master, here we are." The driver kindly warned. Kevin motioned him not to speak and looked down at Melody's delicate sleeping face. Since he had an impulse not to wake her up. Finger abdomen gently across her white face, from brow, to nose bridge, and then to red doodle mouth. Kevin thought he had seen many beautiful women. Melody was not beautiful in his eyes. But looking at her at this moment, since he still couldn't help fall in love with her. He bend over. The handsome face bit by bit close to Melody's lips. Somehow, Melody suddenly opened her

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