Chapter 181 The Kevin family, England

1861 Words

Chapter 181 The Kevin family, England"No." Berg sighed, "unless the wolf poison is gone, the young master will not recover." "Are there any other sequelae of wolf poison?" "Yes." "..." Melody was surprised. His hands tugged at his trousers bit by bit. His hands and feet were cold. "What is it?" "Lost control." "Just like recently?" Melody asked. Berg nodded, "Yes, the young master sometimes can't control himself. Because wolf poison attacks anytime and anywhere, it will lose control and recognition, thus hurting people and oneself." "..." Melody staggered and turned pale. It's so serious. She did not expect that the wolf poison in Kevin was so serious. Before, she always thought that Kevin would only have an attack on a full moon night. But now it seems that if it d

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