Chapter 168 women, what should this do...

1845 Words

Chapter 168 women, what should this do...In the laboratory. Tang Nuoyi sat farthest from Kevin, near the door, in order to rush out of the door as quickly as possible. "Yu Shao, the wolf poison in your body has reached the later stage, so in order to make the wolf poison no longer deteriorate, in the future... you and miss Luo... can no longer, with, room,..." Tang Nuoyi said carefully, his eyes flashed across Kevin's gloomy face and his feet had already stepped out. Jesus Christ. It is better to give him a knife and have a good time to say such things with the royal gentleman. "..." In the laboratory, the silence was terrible and the air seemed to freeze. Everyone held their breath and looked solemn. Melody secretly glanced at Kevin out of the corner of the eye and saw him as if

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