Chapter 150 laugh at me, you dare to laugh at me!

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Chapter 150 laugh at me, you dare to laugh at me!"Will there be such an easy success?" Kevin asked doubtfully. In his view, Luo Qian is a sinister and cunning woman. If it is really so easy to solve, it is also too abnormal. "Try it." She knew that Luo Qian was afraid of the dark and these things from an early age. She was unwilling not to give it a try. "..." Kevin thought for a moment and finally nodded in agreement. "Then I will arrange, but I must ensure your safety." "Uh-huh." … … The day after Melody fell into the sea, the front page of the newspaper was full of news about her. Sitting in the living room of the castle and watching the news on TV, Melody really had a wry smile... "It is reported that the suspect in the murder case in Xinluo Village committed suicide after

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