Chapter 137 Melody became a murderer!

1844 Words

Chapter 137 Melody became a murderer!"Someone died. The police initially certified that the murderer was Melody." Gu Zijing said lightly. Luo Qian heard this and staggered for several steps. His face was pale. "Impossible! How can it be my sister? It is absolutely impossible!" "Don't get excited, I also think there is something strange about this." "What should I do now?" Luo Qian asked in panic. "You go home first. I'm going to lie at the police station and ask Melody what's going on." Gu Zijing said with a solemn expression. "Well, if you have any news, remember to let me know." "Uh-huh. Get in the car." … … Airport. Kevin, who flew all the way from England to A city, got off the plane travel-stained. Unfortunately, when he arrived at the airport, he did not see Melody at al

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