Chapter 133 Are you hurt?

1783 Words

Chapter 133 Are you hurt?On the other car, Gu Zijing looked solemn after getting on the bus. Kevin looked at this and asked curiously, "boss, is that the girl you like?" "Uh-huh." Gu Zijing answered. "Boss has a good eye, the girl is quite good-looking. It's just... she seems to have a boyfriend." "I know." Kevin was stunned and asked, "Are you going to rob?" "Why are you so talkative today?" Gu Zijing finally raised his eyes and glanced at him. Kevin smiled. "I'm just curious. I want to know who is better than our boss." "Don't think about this mess, go and help me find out who was there today to stop Melody." Gu Zijing took out his mobile phone, sliding and commanded. Kevin started the car, put it into gear, and said with some embarrassment, "Boss, you didn't give me any clue

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