Journey Home

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Aurelia I was exhausted, sore, and probably stinky from all the running around I had done. I couldn’t wait to shower and change into something clean. We had been walking for hours, and it was well into the afternoon. The hot sun was beaming down on us through the trees, making me sweat and probably stink even more. Neither of the guys seemed to care, though. Or at least they didn't mention it. Hunter and Maddox took turns carrying me, and they didn't seem the least bit put out by it. If anything, they almost looked excited when it was their turn to piggyback me. I tried to walk on my own at one point, feeling bad for them having to carry me, but one stern look from Hunter was enough to shut me up. God, the man was so domineering; it was infuriating sometimes. But it also, for some re

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