Someone's Coming

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Hunter Maddox and I had been assigned to search the area for any rebel camps. A group was spotted moving through the area a few weeks ago, and the king wanted us to look into it. My pack of alphas worked directly for the king and his pack even though we were never seen in public with them. It was sort of like a discrete, undercover job. They trusted us and knew no matter how dangerous the job, we would get it done. That was why we hadn't seen the third alpha of our pack, Jaxson, in over two years. He was on a super secret undercover job involving the corruption within the werewolf counsel. We weren’t privy to all the details since it was a high-risk operation, but we knew it was a big deal or they wouldn’t have sent Jaxson. Maddox and I had been camped out in the south area of the supernatural realm for three days now and were pretty confident we were getting closer to the rebel camp from all the fresh tracks we came across. Rebels were a group of mainly Beta wolves who were anti-government. They had been snatching up Omegas off the streets, claiming it was to protect them. The Betas we captured who were involved with this group told us they protected the Omegas, but we knew better than to believe that. They were just as corrupt as the werewolf counsel, selling them off like cattle. We had source info of a group of rebels meeting a pack of Alphas only a few miles from here and exchanging an unmated Omega for money. Supposedly, the Omega was seen bound and gagged, making it obvious she wasn’t a willing participant. It pissed me off just thinking about how poorly our kind treated Omegas. Back in the day, they were cast aside for being weak, and now they were sold like cattle to the highest bidder and kept locked away in gilded cages to be bred and owned. When was our kind going to realize what they were doing was wrong? Don’t get me wrong, I dreamt of the day we found our Omega and got a chance to breed her, but there was so much more to it than that. And I was only interested in my fated mate, not just any Omega. Omega should be free to find their fated mates and not be forced into an unnatural bond which was what the council was doing. The werewolf council was forcing these girls into bonds without giving them a say in the matter or time to find their fated mates. It was bullshit really, since once they were bonded to a pack it nullified their bond with their fated mate. I was raised to respect all ranks equally. My father was an Alpha, and my mother an Omega. They met before the curse, and my father's pack didn't give a f**k about my mother's rank. They loved and cherished her like she was their whole world. Sadly, they were the minority. Most Alpha packs were under the impression that they needed a higher-ranked female wolf to produce stronger offsprings. So, they rejected their fated mates if they were Omega’s and searched for a stronger female, either a Beta or an Alpha. That all changed after the curse. The moon goddess made it so Alphas could only mate with Omegas and vice versa. She was probably trying to elevate an Omega's worth, but sadly, it backfired. Although Omegas are now considered more valuable, they are treated even worse than they used to be. Now they were nothing more than a prized possession for an Alpha pack. I always dreamt of finding the same kind of love my parents shared. Unfortunately, I had very little hope for that since Omegas were so rare. If there was a fated mate out there for my pack, she had likely already been forced into a bond with another pack. Probably against her will even. The thought alone sent red-hot rage coursing through my veins. "You ready? We should start moving east to see if they're hiding on the mountainside." Maddox's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I let out a frustrated breath before replying, "Yeah, let's go." “You okay?” he asked, hearing the frustration in my tone and probably feeling it through our bond. Even though there was nothing s****l between Maddox, Jaxson, and me, we shared a mate bond that connected our souls. If we were close enough, we could sense each other's emotions through our bond. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking about our mate. If we even have one,” I muttered. Maddox tensed, knowing exactly where my mind went every time I thought of our mate. All three of us were on the same page when it came to her. Even if we ever found a willing Omega, we wouldn’t accept her unless she was our fated mate. Call us crazy, but we were all fiercely loyal to the Moon Goddess and whatever she had in store for us. If she blessed us with a mate then we would cherish the s**t out of her and protect her with our lives, if she didn’t then we would live the way we have been for the rest of our lives. Omegaless. “Don’t go there, man. You’re only torturing yourself,” Maddox warned. “I know.” I sighed. “Let’s just go.” Maddox didn’t say anything else but gave me a sympathetic look. f**k, I hated that look. We walked east for a few hours but didn’t come across any more tracks. Maddox was going on about something in his usual chipper mood, but I had no clue what he was saying since I was still brooding over my earlier thoughts. I always ended up in a bitter mood when I thought about Omegas and mates. What could I say, I wanted one so badly it hurt. Maddox was the youngest in our pack and definitely the friendliest. He was super easygoing, and it was rare to find him in a bad mood. I was probably considered the scariest out of the three of us since I was pushing six-foot-six and weighed a solid three hundred pounds of muscle. I was also the most serious out of the trio and probably looked a lot like a caveman to everyone else with my long brown hair and thick beard. We hadn't seen Jaxson in almost two years because of the mission he was on, but he was the oldest in the group and arguably the wisest. He was a thinker and the natural leader of our pack of three. Maddox and I had no problem letting him take the lead since he was good at it. We missed the fucker. Jax was always the voice of reason in our group, and not having him around felt weird. I couldn't wait for him to be done with his mission so he could return to us. Since he had been gone, I filled the leader role. Not that I had to do much. Maddox could be a pain in the ass at times, but he was a capable Alpha with a good chip on his shoulders. Just don't tell him I said that. That s**t would go straight to his over-inflated head if he heard it. "Shhhh… I think I hear something," Maddox whispered, ducking behind some trees for cover. I followed his lead and touched into my enhanced werewolf hearing to see if I could pick up what he did. Sure enough, I could hear an engine in the distance. It sounded like it was heading straight for us. The king had issued a new law since the rebels formed, dictating that anyone found within this part of the supernatural realm was committing a punishable offense. So, no matter who was in the vehicle approaching, we had every right to intervene. "Stand off to the side. If they don't stop for me, shoot out the tires," I instructed Maddox. "Copy," Maddox nodded, staying out of sight with his rifle ready as I moved into the middle of the narrow dirt road. A rush of adrenaline flowed through me as I thought about taking down a few rebels. They sure as f**k deserved whatever punishment the king dished out. I pointed my rifle straight ahead as the engine's sound got closer. The road was curvy and narrow, so whoever was approaching wouldn't see me until it was too late. There was a flash of black through the trees before a fast-moving van sped toward me. The driver's eyes widened when he saw me and he veered to avoid hitting me. Maddox jumped out from where he was hiding and shot his tranquilizer gun at the driver through the broken window after it had crashed into a tree. Smoke engulfed the van. I couldn't determine how many occupants were inside because of the tinted rear window. "What part of shoot out the tires didn't you understand?" I growled at Maddox, who didn't seem fazed by my annoyance. He came to stand beside me so we could approach the van together. "I got a clear shot of the driver and figured it was safer to knock him out than risk him trying to run us over." He shrugged. He wasn't wrong, but still, the asshole was terrible at following directions. "I'll deal with your subordination later," I grumbled without taking my eyes off the van. I could practically feel Maddox roll his eyes even though I wasn't looking at him. "Holy s**t! Do you smell that?" he whispered, just as the most intoxicating scent I had even smelt hit my nose. My c**k twitched, and my entire body shuddered. It smelt like cherry blossoms, vanilla, and something spicy that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Whatever it was, it was driving the beast inside me insane. "What the f**k is that?" I asked as I inhaled deeply, wanting to savor as much of the scent as I could. "I think... I think it's an Omega," Maddox stuttered, sounding stunned. His next words made my steps falter. "I think she's coming off her heat cycle." I took another deep breath through my nose, and sure enough, the faint scent of her sweet arousal hit my senses. Not only that, but I was old enough to recognize my beast's reaction to her smell. He wasn’t only going berserk because it was an Omega coming off her heat cycle, but because she was our Omega. Our fated mate. "Holy s**t," Maddox exclaimed, obviously coming to the same conclusion as I did. "Let's go get our girl," I growled. Fear and anger quickly took over. Why was she coming off her heat? Had the rebels forced her into her cycle? That was how they did it these days since only an Omega’s fated mate could trigger a natural cycle. The only other explanation was that she met Jaxson, which was highly unlikely, or she would be with the werewolf counsel right now and not out here in dangerous rebel territory. As we got closer, the rear passenger door slid open at the same time as the front passenger door swung open. A woman stepped out of the back dressed in black tactical gear, along with the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on. Her long brown hair was greasy, and she was swimming in an oversized pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, but it didn't even matter. To me, she was f*****g perfect. And those greyish silver eyes had me in a chokehold. I knew I should be worried about the other two with her, but I couldn't look away from my mate. My f*****g mate. The emotions tugging at my heart were almost my undoing. Her terrified eyes made me want to scoop her up, hold her against my chest, and purr for her, knowing an Alpha's purr calmed an Omega. I knew Maddox had the same thought because even though we were too far away from her to calm her with our purr, he had already started. Seeing our mate's distress was killing him just as much as it was me. Before I got a chance to go to my mate, a large Beta male stepped out of the passenger seat and snaked his arm around our Omega's throat, pulling her back against his chest before pointing a gun at her temple. Our mate whimpered. Hearing that sound coming from her mouth, as well as the look of unadulterated fear on her face, tore my heart to pieces and sent another heavy wave of savage rage through my body. A low dangerous growl resonated in my chest as I bared my teeth at the asshole threatening my mate. I would shred him to pieces when I got my hands on him. Mark my f*****g words.
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