Helpless And Frail

1907 Words

Jaxson Hours blended into days, and days blended into weeks. I had no clue how long it had been since I met my gorgeous mate. Aurelia Flores. The stunning doctor in the human realm with the most mesmerizing gray eyes. Eye a man could get lost in for an eternity. It was dark in my cell, but my mind played cruel tricks on me, conjuring her image in the darkness. Her beautiful, expressive eyes seemed to pierce through the gloom, reaching into my soul. Unfortunately, she would disappear when I blinked, causing a void in my chest. Seeing her, even if only in my mind, was what kept me alive. Knowing there was still hope for us made me want to fight harder. As much as I was glad she wasn't in this prison with me, I missed her to the core. Everything had happened so fast that day at her

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