I'm An Asshole

1868 Words

Hunter "Ummm...Hunter? I don't want to alarm you, but there's a decent size lump on the underside of your p***s. Have you had that checked out by a doctor?" she asked, leaning forward to get a better view. I froze momentarily, processing her words, and then it hit me. She was referring to my Alpha knot. I instantly relaxed, realizing she probably hadn't seen one before and didn't know what it was. That was why she was staring so intently. I was about to explain it to her as I pulled my shorts up, but she spoke before I could. "I'm actually a doctor in the human world. Do you mind if I take a look? A lump that size could be cancerous," she stated, her eyes laced with concern while they moved between my face and my c**k. My mouth nearly dropped open. What happened to our shy and emb

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