1032 Words

SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO Nine years old Leonardo just finished his training for the day with his instructor when a messenger from Don Vito approached him. “Buongiorno, Underboss”, Matteo greeted him. “Buongiorno.” “Your grand father, Don Vito, requested your presence”, Matteo said. “Am I in trouble?”, Leonardo asked. For the past four years he’s been undergoing basic training and self defense classes while still keeping up with school. He kept to the rules and as the only child in the villa, he was lonely. Loneliness was all he had for himself. “I can’t tell but to put your mind at ease, I don’t think so”, Matteo said and winked at him. Leonardo followed him to his grand father’s part of the villa. His mind ran through every scenario that could make his grand father summon him but no

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