1242 Words

WARNING: THIS EPISODE CONTAINS STRONG s****l CONTENT AND MAY BE TOO SENSITIVE FOR SOME READERS. He gently placed her on the bed and laid down on beside her. “So your idea of an orgasm I’ll never forget is staring at the ceiling? Because it’s flopping terribly”, Arya said. Leonardo smirked. “Just wait a couple of seconds”, he said as he stared at the alarm clock next to him. The moment the alarm rang, the thin silk covering the ceiling fell, revealing mirrors in the ceiling. Arya’s eyes popped out of their sockets. “Oh my goodness. When did you do this?”, she asked. He caught her eyes in the mirror. “I’ll never tell”. “I love it, I really do love it”, she said, her eyes shining. “You can now get the perfect view of the things I want to do to you”, he said and removed the strand

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