1231 Words

ISABELLE “Milka, don't go. We will be leaving in a moment." I shout to Milka. I can see her sitting in the corridor alone after all the guards have come into the room. I am afraid she may go elsewhere, and I don't want to go looking for her once I am through with these guards. They surround me and some take hasty glances on their boss whose body is mangled in some corner with a long knife embedded on his neck. The look on their face says it all, they're telling me to surrender, I am outnumbered. A tense moment ensues as they stand motionless. Their boss is dead, they are just a body without a head, with no one to command them. It's as if they are waiting for the one of them to attack so that they may follow suit but it seems as if there is no one who is brave enough to start it. Nelson

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