2536 Words

ISABELLE The whole residence is now in a turmoil. I can easily say that something is not right because everyone behaves in a queer manner. I have not seen Anna since morning and since she is the only member of staff who gives me the news, I remain in the dark. I only wish that my mate Dwayne is alright, but I am not worried for him now. I know he is doing something to get me free although I don't know what. At around noon Anna comes in and I feel a lot of relief. I realize that I have gotten connected to her and now we share some bond. “Anna, I missed you. Where have you been all morning?" I ask her as she approaches me. She gestures to me to be silent by placing a finger on her mouth. She then grabs my hand and leads me to the bedroom. I wonder why she is doing all this but I comply.

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