1509 Words

ISABELLE “No. That can't be true. Gael can't forsake my mate Dwayne. You lie." I scream at Ivan. I can't believe that I have gathered this level of audacity to speak to him this way. I used to fear him, afraid of what he might do to me, worried that he may kill me but something that Suzanne told me strengthened me. “Ivan can't kill you. You are like a jewel to him. He is using you as bait to bring your mate Dwayne to his doorstep so that he may get rid of him. Also, in his greed for women he is planning to make you his mate, so my daughter don't worry about your life. He can't kill you but if it were a male prisoner he would have killed you long time ago because he wouldn't have any use for you." She told me just before Ivan interrupted us. I walk away from the couch to the window and o

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