2016 Words

ISABELLE I wake up in a luxurious suite, a big bedroom with warm colors. The beddings themselves ooze class and wealth. The roof is adorned with a great display of light and I begin to wonder if I am still on earth. On one wall is a big TV screen with cooking programs going on. I can't recall where this is, neither can I say how I got here. Then a throbbing headache grips me and I sit up on the bed and my legs touch the floor. I touch my face and there's a sore spot, very sensitive to touch. The floor is so soft, it's as if it's made of fur. Where am I? I ask myself. My mother had told me what to do should I find myself with an headache. She always insisted that I shouldn't take medicine, instead I should take lots of water. I doubted her theory but when I tried once I never looked back.

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