1422 Words

ISABELLE When I regain consciousness, I find myself in a dark room chained to the walls and I am half naked. I have only a bra and a small skirt on. I can feel cold hair breezing into the room from some opening on the wall and hitting my body. There is a dampness in the room, it's probably built below ground level. The coldness makes me shiver and I realize that I have started gnashing my teeth. I try to rise from the ground and that is when I discover that the chains in my hands are made of silver. Silver is so harmful to werewolves, it burns my hands and I wince in pain. The pain is too much and I scream. My ribcage hurts. It seems as if I have been beaten up. For a moment I try to recollect where I am and then reality sinks in. I am in a prison. I wonder whether I am in a dream and I

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