1834 Words

ISABELLE After Robert leaves I coil myself on one of the couches and cry. I sob bitterly, wondering what wrong I committed to warrant this treatment. It's barely a week since escaping from Robert's dungeon and now I am here again, same conditions. Why didn't Ivan ask for the ring from me the moment he saw me in the woods instead of bringing me all the way here if indeed it was the ring he was after? And Robert, why is he so much obsessed with me to an extent of joining this evil tyrant? I keep on weeping as I ask myself these questions loudly and I don't notice the figure in front of me neither do I know how long it has been there. “Cool down my daughter. All will be well." Her voice startles me and I look up. It's an elderly woman in her late sixties, big and motherly. She has a scarf

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