1021 Words

DWAYNE “Ivan ordered them to catch me and slit my throat. I had to escape. I turned invisible and walked out slowly, past all of them until I got to the door. I almost laughed, looking at their surprised faces. I went straight to the gate unseen, then I jumped over it into the moat and swam across before the crocodiles could see me." Simon explains how he managed to escape from Ivan's residence. In the tent are Evans, Alpha Lazarus and Gael. We are listening to Simon's debriefing, asking a few questions. “Earlier in his court, Ivan made it very clear that he was not going to let Isabelle free. He didn't hide the fact that he hates you with a passion and he says that he will kill you and make Isabelle his mate. I have gathered information that she is being held in a dungeon now after he

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