Emotional turmoil

1656 Words
*Leroy POV* My life is becoming a complicated mess. I am drawn to Cali I can’t help it. She looks so good in her pyjamas it takes everything in me not to ravage her. As if that’s not bad enough, she looks like a goddess at school. It’s been weeks since she returned to school as Marcus’s but I am not getting used to it. Seeing how the guys look at her drives me crazy. Some have even offered to buy her from Marcus which is out of the question. I am in a foul mood tonight. The royal blue dress she was wearing today was an eye turner. Rose even caught me staring. Sky wanted to pounce on every guy in the class. I climb up into her suite and close the window. She is on her pyjamas and standing where she usually waits for me. I roughly grab her chin before she speaks. “What the f**k are you doing?” She searches my eyes and just stares at me. This woman is infuriating. “You wore that dress to get to me.” “You are mad that I wore my favourite dress?” her nonchalant tone ticks me off. She acts like I am a jealous ass when she makes me. “Don’t push me Cali,” I warn. I am not supposed to show any emotions towards her but she makes it so damn hard. All her clothes are too tight for my liking. They are not revealing but they highlight everything good about her. “Look in my locker and tell me what you are comfortable with me wearing, Your Majesty.” I shoot her a cold stare. She knows that I hate her addressing me like that when we are alone. Sky lets out a low growl. Someone else would back down but she glares at me. She is mad at me. “Okay, what is your problem?” I ask still holding her chin. “You have a problem with me holding Marcus’s arm but you parade Rose around. I hate it.” I can’t help but laugh, the implications of her statement more comforting than it should. “You drive me crazy. I have to keep Rose close by to defuse anything anyone might have noticed,” I explain and see her golden eyes warming up. I plant a light kiss on her lips. “Can we sleep now?” She nods her stubborn cute head and follows me to the bed. The following day I leave the school early and head straight to Marcus’s home. Our schools B team was playing and the game halfway when I found out that Cali had to go home early. Sky started getting reckless, wanting to see her. Nora, Marcus’s head servant is the one who opens the door and bows respectfully. “Your Majesty. I will call master Marcus,” she says already heading towards Marcus’s study. “No need. I’m here to see Cali.” I can see the confusion on her face as she nods and points me to her suite as if I don’t spend all my nights there. I knock and wait until she opens the door. I am surprised to see her all well but I can’t help but pull her to my arms. “Leroy?” she whispers and untangles herself from my grip. That’s when I notice that the door was still open. I push it closed but still get a piercing pain in my chest. She really does not want anyone seeing us like this. I get that it’s a matter of life and death for her but still. “I heard that you were not well. That time of the month?” I ask and earn myself a disapproving stare. “Oh come on, we literally sleep together,” I say defensively. “There’s nothing wrong with me. The rugby team was playing,” she explains. I cant help but chuckle before pulling her in my arms and passionately kissing her. It did not click when the cheerleaders performed on the field earlier. She pushes me away and quickly strides to the bathroom when the door unexpectedly opens and my best friend walks in. Marcus gives me a disapproving look before calling on her. “Come back here Cali.” She ignores Marcus and locks the bathroom door behind her. He acts like her parent figure, that’s why she does not want him to see her so flushed. “I know all about the kisses and sleepovers,”Marcus shouts in front of the bathroom door. His confession forces her to come out. She looks at me then him, shocked. “You do?” I take a sit and recline back. This will be good. “In case you have forgotten, I am a wolf with intact senses. You seriously thought I would not pick his scent every night he sneaks into my house and all over you every damn time?” Marcus asks firmly. She opens and closes her cute mouth, no words coming out. “Speechless huh?” Marcus presses on. He takes this deputy parent job too serious. “You are not eighteen yet. Legally, you are a child. I am disappointed in you. You have been a bad girl,” he adds but the hot ball of defiance can’t accept that. “Excuse me? Why am I the only one on the hot seat here?” she shoots back, her initial shock completely gone. “He is my Alpha, I can’t reprimand him.” “You are doing it through me instead?” “Yes.” She curls her lips and turns to me. “And you are just going to sit there and watch the show?” I place my arms under my head and give her my amused smile. “Yup.” I can’t ignore how different she is with Marcus. She would be glaring at me now had I uttered the same words Marcus did a few minutes ago. “Coward,” she scowls at me. I narrow my eyes at her. She is intentionally aggravating me as payback for not getting the scolding from Marcus. Sky growls. An Alpha wolf does not deal well with disrespect. I think she knows it and betting on his response. This is what makes her more dangerous. “Keep this up and you will sleep alone,”I warn while Marcus throws his arms up in defeat. “I guess I will have to find myself another…” I don’t let her complete another provocative utterance. In a split second I have her against the wall, eyes blazing and my hand around her neck. One squeeze and it will be the end of her. “Leroy,” Marcus warns. I curse under my breath when our eyes meet. She does not look scared at all. She actually dares me. “Do it.” “Leroy,” Marcus warns again. “Out Marcus,” I grit my teeth, veins bulging on my neck. I don’t know why she is doing this to me. “Just don’t hurt her okay?” Marcus pleads before reluctantly leaving. “Why are you doing this?” “You should have defended me from Marcus,” she responds with her nose up. “So you push me to kill you instead?” “You will never kill me Leroy,” she says calmly. “Don’t push me Cali,”I warn before removing my hand from her neck and back away from her. “Or what?” I shake my head. She does not know when to back off. “What kind of a slave is this?” I think to myself and Sky responds. “She is a Beta now but I get your point.” “Keep up with this and I will stay away,” I threaten. I don’t know if I can but at this rate I will either kill or have s*x with an underage slave. “I will be eighteen in two days time.” I turn to look at her. That does not even make sense. Another proof of her immaturity. I really should stay away from this child. “We tried that and failed. She is almost eighteen.” I don’t bother responding to Sky. One moment he wants to pounce at her, the next he is possessive and overbearing and then a complete softie towards her. “So?” She shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t plan on staying a virgin. Remember that when you decide to stay away.” Fuck! I walk back to her and lift up her chin, forcing our eyes to meet. “I am still not f*****g you. In fact I am never f*****g you,” I drag my words. I don’t really mean the second part. If she does end up being my mate I won’t have any restraints. I hope she gets how infuriating she is being and stops pushing me. “I was not asking you to,” she replies with her nose up. I can feel Sky threatening to take over but I can’t let him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I roar. She does not even flinch. She looks right straight at me and adopts her soft innocent tone. “I have school work. You will see yourself out.” Everything about her is getting to me right now. One part of me wants to squeeze the life out of her while the other wants to passionately kiss her to submission. “You never ever dismiss me slave!” I regret the word slave the moment it escapes my lips but I can’t take it back. “Do whatever you want then Your Majesty!” she snaps at me and storms out, leaving me alone in her suite, an emotional turmoil.
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