Jumping from 11,000 feet!

3074 Words
Laura returned to her bedroom, kicked off her high heels, and asked her maid to help her take off the dress from behind. It was then that Laura remembered that Zhou Wenjia should be at the film set at this time. After some thought, she called Chen Yujin. "Chen, my secretary." Chen Yujin paused, his hand still holding his tie: "Madam?" He glanced at the wall clock. It was 10:05. This was already his break time, although he often used his break time to work overtime. "Chen, do you have Director Li's phone number?" Laura asked. Chen Yujin paused again. He found that Laura seemed to really be using him as a tool. "Yes, I do. I'll send you his number via text message," Chen Yujin said. "Okay," Laura responded, but didn't hang up immediately. Chen Yujin tightened his grip on the phone and didn't hang up immediately too. He faintly heard breathing sounds from the other end, soft and gentle. Then he heard Laura's voice again. "Chen, you've worked hard today," she said, her tone sincerely grateful. "Not at all," Chen Yujin was about to give the stereotypical response, but before he could say it, he heard a low voice from the other end: "Good night." Laura got Director Li's phone number and sent him a text message. "Hello, Director Li. This is Laura. Thank you for taking care of Zhou Wenjia. If he behaves abnormally again, please let me know promptly." How happy Director Li was to receive the message suddenly is another story. This was the first time Zhou Wenbai had come to Laura's bedroom on his own. Without hesitation, he lifted his hand and knocked on the door urgently. Actually, it saved him the effort, and he felt relieved. But Zhou Wenbai didn't know why he was annoyed instead. The door opened quickly. "Hmm? What's the matter?" Laura's voice sounded as she appeared by the door. She was wearing a robe, her hair was still a bit damp, and her eyebrows and eyes were also moist. Zhou Wenbai's words stuck in his throat. He quickly turned his head away. Actually, Laura wasn't wearing anything strange, but as a young man, he always had strange associations... Zhou Wenbai suppressed all these thoughts. He felt a little ashamed inside. "Nothing..." Zhou Wenbai squeezed out the words, then turned around and quickly walked downstairs. When he reached the second floor, Zhou Wenbai turned around and walked back. He knocked on Laura's door again. Laura had just blown her hair halfway. She squinted slightly. Her face was still gentle and quiet, but her gaze was cold, even a bit sharp. "If you can't explain it clearly this time..." Zhou Wenbai's back tensed: "How was the...banquet?" "It was very smooth," Laura paused: "You've started to care about others? Hmm, you've made progress." Zhou Wenbai felt his back tighten and his face heat up under her serious tone. He had never received such praise for such a small matter. Laura turned and walked towards the door. Zhou Wenbai immediately felt tense. Was she...going to get the belt again? When Laura turned around and walked back, she opened her palm, revealing a badge. The badge didn't look expensive. It was just a round base with a pattern on it, with a star embedded in the middle. "A reward," Laura placed the star in his hand before closing the door. Zhou Wenbai stood there, unconsciously tightening his fingers and gripping the star badge. This was the first time he had received a "reward". At the film set, Zhou Wenjia finally saw the news he wanted to see. #Laura at the Sicilika Evening# was ranked 26th on the hot search list. But when Zhou Wenjia finished filming another scene and sat down to refresh the page— It was now ranked third on the hot search list. @IShouldBeACuteLittleThing: [Picture][Picture]...Photos from a friend who is a reporter! Laura really stole the show! She stole the show! I was amazed after seeing the photos. The one who styled her was from the Room. They're really amazing! I'm impressed! Laura is also amazing! It's a really strong combination. I even want to ask the hotel to lay a red carpet for her to walk on! Can you imagine a beautiful woman with classical elegance like a pool of autumn water, but with a strong aura? #Laura at the Sicilika Evening# Zhou Wenjia's gaze stagnated. She was indeed a beautiful woman. She was a woman who looked gentle and polite, but could almost drown someone in water if she turned around. @CuteLittleThing: Jiang Yue actually went to the Zhou family's gathering! For those who might not understand, let me explain... Jiang Yue, the current de facto leader of the Jiang family, is not on good terms with Mr. Zhou Chao from the Zhou family. Almost everyone in that circle knows this. But he went to the Zhou family's evening party! Mrs. Zhou personally came out to greet him. Here's a picture as proof [Picture]. Let me give you some background information. It's said that Jiang Yue's younger brother fought with Zhou Wenjia. Jiang Yue went to the Zhou family to ask for an explanation, but he left with a big bag of strawberries! I don't know what you think, but I suddenly feel that Mr. Zhou Chao doesn't need to come back. This CP is quite interesting. Zhou Wenjia curled his fingers and lightly reported the post. Africa. The young man received a piece of freshly unwrapped medical gauze from his subordinate and pressed it onto his forehead without hesitation. There was only one new message from the bank card. "Your card with the last four digits **** had a quick p*****t expenditure of 11.00 yuan at FenFen Ice Cream Jinli Road Branch at 21:33 on October 17th..." Did she just buy an ice cream? It was hot here, with mosquitoes and diseases everywhere. The environment was terrible. The bank card messages he received every day seemed to have become a different kind of pleasure. Laura's phone rang. She picked up the call, and Li Dao's voice came through like a thief: "Mrs. Zhou? This is the director of the spy drama. We just found out that the assistant of the second young master booked a parachute ticket in Pinggu online." Parachuting in Pinggu! Jumping from 11,000 feet! He was really afraid that before his movie was finished, the important supporting actor would be gone! Laura remained calm: "Alright, I understand. I'll be at the film set tonight." Chen Yujin said, "Five tourists almost died there last month. I'll send bodyguards to bring him back." "No need," Laura refused. These people seemed to be terrible at disciplining their family members. Laura said, "If such a simple and brutal method can solve the problem, then I might as well throw him into Pinggu to die." Chen Yujin personally drove Laura to the film set. It was already 7 p.m. by then. Chen Yujin felt a little regretful about spending all his time here. He should still be working in the Zhou family building at this time. Laura glanced at the time on her phone and turned to Chen Yujin, saying, "It's late. Thank you, Mr. Chen. You can go back first." She*******。 Chen Yujin's lips moved, and he said somewhat impulsively, "It's not urgent." Hearing this, Laura didn't ask further and instead inquired about the situation from Li Dao in more detail. "Parachuting in Pinggu is only done during the day, but this young master insists on jumping at night. His agent said he thinks Pinggu is more beautiful at night..." Li Dao said, rubbing his head. Look, since the filming started, How much hair has he lost? "Where does it start?" Laura asked. Li Dao immediately found a staff member: "This is where they parachute. Take Mrs. Zhou there." The staff member quickly agreed and led Laura on a hike uphill. When they reached the halfway up the mountain, Laura saw a small house. The staff member noticed her gaze and explained, "This is where we wear our safety equipment." Laura stopped: "Hmm, give me a set too." Chen Yujin, who had been following from a distance, suddenly had his eyelids jump, and blurted out, "Are you crazy?" But Laura had already pushed open the door of the small house and walked in. Zhou Wenjia soaked in the hot springs in Pinggu, slept for a while, and then got up to change clothes, preparing for the parachute jump. After boarding the helicopter, it quickly ascended to a certain height. The beautiful night sky became tangible. Pinggu under the night sky became even more beautiful. The door of the helicopter opened. Zhou Wenjia knew that the instructor was sitting behind him. Zhou Wenjia closed his eyes and then opened them again. He took a deep breath. Suddenly, a force came from behind, and Zhou Wenjia was kicked down. The sensation of weightlessness suddenly enveloped him, and his heartbeat instantly peaked. Zhou Wenjia exclaimed, "s**t!" Immediately afterward, a hand grabbed the strap behind him and lifted it. Zhou Wenjia felt his shoulder strap tighten, as if an eagle was grabbing a chicken, and he was the chicken being lifted... The other person firmly grabbed him, and the two of them seemed to be tied together. The other person also jumped down. They fell towards Pinggu together... The parachute opened. The wind fiercely blew against their faces. Zhou Wenjia struggled to open his eyes and turned his head. It wasn't the originally dark-skinned instructor. Instead, it was a glimpse of fair skin that entered his sight. His voice was dispersed by the wind. Under the beautiful night sky, Zhou Wenjia was almost on the verge of a heart attack. How dare she! Chen Yujin squinted and looked at Laura's figure—bold, daring, and excessively beautiful, like a fluttering butterfly. Under the strong visual impact, Chen Yujin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Zhou Wenjia gripped the parachute ropes, and his mind was buzzing. He wasn't happy. He was only sad. When they glided and landed, Laura even stepped on his foot. "Why did you jump with me?" Zhou Wenjia squeezed the words out through his teeth. "I asked them to kick you and throw you out of the plane. They didn't dare. So I had to do it myself," Laura said without any emotional fluctuation, as if she was talking about something irrelevant. "When did you arrive?" Zhou Wenjia asked. "Three hours ago." "You've been waiting for me in the helicopter for three hours?" Zhou Wenjia frowned. The staff rushed up to untie his safety belt at this moment. Zhou Wenjia pushed the person away and lifted his hand to the buckle himself, staring tightly at Laura, unfastening the safety equipment on his body while staring at her without blinking. Laura didn't take it off immediately but asked, "Again?" Zhou Wenjia almost thought that Laura was the one who came to parachute today, and he was just an accompaniment. Zhou Wenjia sarcastically tugged at the corner of his mouth: "Sure." Who would admit defeat? Zhou Wenjia wouldn't. Laura looked in Chen Yujin's direction: "It's already past midnight. Mr. Chen, you should go back and rest first." "...Hmm." Chen Yujin's heartbeat hadn't slowed down yet. The formulaic smile on his face disappeared, leaving only numbness. Chen Yujin was quite a cautious person and never did such things. Zhou Wenjia's repeated reckless actions seemed foolish to him. But it was precisely because he had never experienced it that when he truly experienced it closely, it was extremely shocking. Laura jumped too quickly. Her posture, practiced many times, was proficient and even graceful. When her figure approached, it was difficult to glimpse any panic or tension on her face. Her eyebrows were filled with pride and a will to fight, which was never seen in her daily life. It was hard to imagine them appearing on a girl's face... When she spread her arms and fell at a speed of over 200 km/h. Chen Yujin's heart also felt like it had fallen from a high cliff. All the excitement in his life seemed to have been expended today. At that moment, his brain and soul seemed to be split into two halves. His soul felt the strong wind and the thrill of jumping as if he had jumped himself. "Aren't you going back?" Laura's voice sounded, suddenly grabbing Chen Yujin's thoughts. "No," that highly tense sense of danger still lingered in Chen Yujin's heart. If he couldn't see Laura safely get into the car and leave, even if he went back, he would be anxious and unable to sleep. Laura didn't ask further. She turned around and went uphill with Zhou Wenjia again. Chen Yujin moved his throat, wanting to call her back. But other thoughts quickly emerged in his mind—you have no relationship with her. You have no right to interfere with her, and you shouldn't... While Chen Yujin was numb for a moment, Zhou Wenjia cursed again in the sky: "s**t!" He was kicked down again. Laura still jumped down with him. Zhou Wenjia had gone diving, bungee jumping, and even spent a few days in the Arctic as a "frozen mushroom"... But he always felt lonely. He couldn't feel the meaning of life from these activities. This was the first time someone had done such a life-risking thing with him. The anger and coldness in Zhou Wenjia's heart gradually dissipated. He turned his gaze to Pinggu in front of him. Pinggu under the night sky looked even more beautiful. This was the most magnificent scenery he had ever seen. A few minutes later, they successfully glided and landed again. "Want to do it again?" Laura asked. Zhou Wenjia: "...No." He suddenly suspected that Laura just wanted to find a chance to kick him. Laura seriously suggested, "How about doing it a few more times? Have a good time? If it's not enough, you can also try jumping directly from the slope of Pinggu..." Zhou Wenjia: "...I'm not playing anymore." "Oh," Laura said calmly, "then let's go home." The staff, who had been holding their breath, quickly rushed up to untie their safety belts. Chen Yujin finally breathed a sigh of relief. Chen, who had never felt anything watching the stock market line fluctuate up and down, now had his heart going up and down, almost having a heart attack. "I'll wait for you in the car," Laura said, pausing, "If I don't see you later, I'll think you're still reluctant to leave here. Then we'll continue playing until tomorrow if you want." Poor Li Dao was afraid of something happening and stayed up all night, dare not to sleep. Walking over with Zhou Wenjia's agent, he heard this and was scared to the point that his scalp felt like it was flying off. After recovering, he only felt that his head was balder. Zhou Wenjia said, "I understand." Laura returned to the car. Chen Yujin wanted to say something, but Laura suddenly lowered the window and asked the staff outside, "Is there hot water?" "Yes, yes, wait a minute." The staff hurriedly went to fetch a cup of hot water and brought it in from outside the car. Laura held the paper cup in her hand and lowered her head to sip it. Chen Yujin looked at her and suddenly noticed that Laura's skin was too white, as if her blood had faded away. Chen Yujin suddenly felt a little funny, but also a little distressed. Why did she have to do that? "So the madam is also afraid?" Chen Yujin said. "Hmm?" Laura looked up at him. "The lady's face turned white." "Oh, you're talking about this." Laura lowered her head and took another sip of hot water. "I'm wearing too little, and it's quite cold to jump down. Especially when the wind comes up and hits my face." At the other end, Zhou Wenjia finished watching a video and stood up with a livid face. His agent saw that he was in a bad mood and quickly asked, "What's wrong, Yuan?" "I'm going first," Zhou Wenjia said, striding towards Laura's car. "You wait for me at the crew's office. I'll be back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Upon hearing Zhou Wenjia's words, the agent's heart also fell to the ground, and he followed the director to prepare to pack up and return to the hotel. Zhou Wenjia opened the door and sat in the car, only to see Chen Yujin's figure. "Is Mr. Chen also here?" Chen Yujin: "Yes, Second Young Master, I have been here all the time." Zhou Wenjia frowned and chose to keep quiet. Chen Yujin knew that he had something to say to Laura. But Chen Yujin was still in a state of shock and was too sleepy to work overtime. Her mood was low and depressed. Chen Yujin thought to herself: Let him die. Chen Yujin sent them back to the Zhou family and left herself. After getting off the car, Zhou Wenjia didn't immediately enter the house. Laura turned around and looked at him, "What? Do you want to go back?" Zhou Wenjia asked in a deep voice, "You arrived more than three hours ago. Did you go to training first? Did you jump many times? Why?" Most skydiving scenic spots provide video and photo services. Here, too, the video that Zhou Wenjia saw was of Laura's repeated learning and adaptation process over the past three hours. "Because it hasn't been skipped," Laura said. Of course she hadn't skipped it. In ancient times, where would such a thing exist? Zhou Wenjia was in a state of anxiety. He hurriedly said, "You know, that's not what I'm asking. Why did you come to Pinggu to find me? Why did you jump so many times?" "To evaluate the things you play, of course, you should first experience them before being qualified to evaluate them." Zhou Wenjia's breath paused. He stood there, as if he heard something slowly flowing through his empty internal organs. "Then?" Zhou Wenjia pulled the corners of his mouth and gave a stiff smile, "How do you evaluate now?" Laura: "I think I'm now qualified to call you a fool and beat you up again." The fresh blood in Zhou Wenjia's internal organs flowed back in a second.

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