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DROP TWENTY-FIVE The next morning, Tanya’s guest seemed a bit better, despite waking up with a start. “It’s okay, you’re in my apartment, up at Apollo tower. Remember last night? I think you were roofied.” Mamacita looked around the guest room, and rubbed her eye. “What? No. I was at the party…” “Hey, go take a shower, all right? Here are some clothes, they’re mine so they’ll definitely won’t fit you, but that’s what I have for now.” “It’s okay, thanks,” Mamacita croaked. Her hangover looked awful. After she took a shower, she seemed to feel a lot better. “Here, eat something,” Tanya said, offering her some breakfast. Mamacita accepted the tray and started eating, looking hungry. “Thanks, again. And for last night.” “It’s okay. It was the right thing to do.” “Still, not everyone

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