695 Words

DROP TWENTY-ONE Pickle and Cherry got off at the side of the road. The self-driving taxi waited patiently for the door to shut, then chimed in joy for a ride completed and went back towards Athens. The factory was quite large, larger than Pickle expected. Loux was a big brand, mainly selling soft drinks. Cherry looked bored, as usual. “I told you, you didn’t need to tag along,” Pickle frowned at her as they walked in the lobby. “I’ve got nothing else to do.” Cherry glanced sideways at the various posters and AR ads they had splayed all over the place. They were both old ads, showcasing the retro side of the company, and new ones, promoting their new flavours. “Oh? Was Hector too busy to play with you?” Pickle teased but didn’t hang around to get a reply. She went to the reception lad

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