Chapter 3 - The war general Xing Yu

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A black alien craft landed in front of the Wang mansion. Bian watched this with a bright smile. No one knows what the war General Xing Yu looks like. It had been rumored that he was an old man with white hair. He anxiously dwindled with his thumb. "Stop fidgeting," Wang Bushen gazed at him with a cold look in his eyes "Did you get it?" "Y-yes father," he hurriedly pulled out the metal glove. "it's in here," His father's cold face relaxed slightly. "Make sure to give a good show. Don't get caught," with a last warning, he walked up to the craft. Gulping Bian followed behind him. The craft door slid open and levitating steps floated down. a man dressed in completely black walked down followed by a few assistants. Bian secretly gazed his way. The young general of the Farian kind was dressed in full-body soft armor. their technology was much more advanced that even the armor looked like regular clothes. It fit around his body hugging his every curves. His eyes roamed up his eight-pack and to his chiseled face. his sharp chin was slightly raised and his elongated eyes peered down at them coldly. right in between his shapely brows was a jewel embedded into the skin. it was called the Jeta. it was said that the alien beings' life is connected to the gem. but only the royal members are born with one. it also gives them exceptional powers to fight against many creatures. the Jeta was a symbol of power amongst the Farian kind. the bigger the Jeta the more powerful one was. and Xing Yu was said to have the biggest gem of all. Bian met his eccentric green eyes shyly. 'The real Xing Yu… he is better than I expected.' Without a word, General Xing Yu walked past him and stood by his father's side. he cast a look at his father. The older man peered at the young general calculatingly. "Young lord, please welcome to our humble abode." Xing Yu simply nodded and walked in. The entire house was prepared to welcome this esteemed guest. Wang Bushen had taken a great strain to actually make sure it was hospitable to the aliens. he silently followed after his father gazing at the young general's back. 'I have to capture his heart…' Bian subtly touched the pendant hanging on his neck. his overwhelming urge to concur the man rose in his heart. This man had the power to alter universes. With a powerhouse by his side, he could achieve anything he wanted. Xing Yu walked into the house with a small scowl. This house was too big. He did not like it. In the situation earth was in it was not logical t live in such a huge space. With the finance it took to build this space many pod-like homes could have been built for other humans. That's what he did not like about humans. They are very self-centered and only care about themselves, "Young lord, I heard your prince is on his way here?" Wang Bushen respectfully gazed up at him. "Hmm…" Xing Yu hummed walking over to the bedrooms. "I'm going to rest, don't bother me." This left Wang Bushen and Bian standing awkwardly in the halls. Since they were dismissed like that they had to leave. Standing out the door Bian frowned slightly. 'I thought he would notice… I guess I need to make a show out of it,' he touched the pendant subtly. His father noticed his small move. "Be patient." bowing his head, he silently fooled his father into the house nearby. The Wang mansion had four houses in the property. The ones given to the war general was close to the landing pad so it was assigned as such. "Be ready for the party. I don't want a mess up. got it?" "Yes father," he meekly whispered. Xing Yu heard all of this with his keen sense of hearing. 'These pesky humans.' he walked around the room and started to check for any wires and traps. With just a single sweep, he found five spy cameras and tapping devices. He crushed them up and tossed it out the window. as for the house he did not bother to check it as he was only going to be staying for a while. He opened his transmission screen and contacted the main planet. The line connected in a second. "What is the progress of missing F," the cold voice answered the call. On the screen was a tall blond man with a grim look on his face. "it's still in progress… we received a broken transmission that our target is in city S," Xing Yu send over all the recent investigation reports. "I'm personally here to check if the transmission was fake or if it was real." The young man on the other side of the line frowned deeply. "Finish the mission as soon as you can. The portal is closing up. we can't afford any more time." The call was disconnected just like that. "I know," Xing Yu sighed loudly, leaning aging the back of the chair. It had been six human years since he had taken up this mission, yet he was not able to find even the smallest clue on how to finish it. The moment he got a small clue about his target's location the interspecies war began. Since the mission target's identity was very important. They had to intervene and help the pesky humans get rid of the graylings. This itself took five years. the war was still ongoing, but the graylings were showing signs of retreating. But to him the war was not important, it was his mission target. The black hole that connected two words would close in a month. He had to find his target in just a few months from now. Failing to do so will only result in him being stuck in the human world for a very long time. After so many failed attempts to find the target, he finally got a small glimpse of hope. This was his last-ditch attempt to find his target. Late in the evening, he heard a small knock on the door. Xing Yu walked up to the door but did not open it in a hurry. Bian Wang standing out there adjusting his hairstyle. He had asked his stylist to make it seem effortless to appear more innocent. 'it's taking him a while.' He knocked again and anxiously held the lapels of his coat. The door opened slowly and the alien general stood there with a cold look in his eyes. His white shoulder-length hair was tied up in a ponytail behind his head, leaving a bit of wispy hair framing his face. Just one look at his face made his heart race. Gulping Bian gave him a smile. "we are having a welcome party for your lordship. It's just a small occasion. We didn't invite many…..." he grinned up at him cutely. "Would your lordship be willing to grace us with your presence?" Xing Yu coldly shut the door to his face. human party? 'hmph waste of time…' he paused for a second. he had something to talk to the human representative. Maybe this party was a good opportunity. He changed the setting of his suit to look like the ones worn by humans and opened the door again. The young man standing out there looked at him in complete shock. "Where is it held at?" "There .... I'll lead you there." Bian could barely contain his excitement. The great war general was even wearing human clothes! The welcome party was supposed to be in their house. But things got out of hand. Their family had only invited a few of their friends and dignitaries, but the word had gotten out that the Farian general was here. many came uninvited. They couldn't reject them at the door since they had a good standing in society. They had to be moved to the lawn to accommodate everyone. Gazing at the overwhelming crowd Xing frowned. "we... we just invited a few but many others joined in. They just wanted to meet you. Please don't take offense." Wordlessly Xing Yu walked into the crowd to the direction his father was at. Seeing him closing in Wang Bushen immediately showed him his rapt attention. "Young lord, how did you find your afternoon stay? I hope it was satisfactory." "I need to speak to you alone," he coolly glared down at him. Gulping Wang Bushen nodded. "This way please," he led him to the meeting rooms. The others were curious but they did not follow along in fear they might offend the alien general. "Please have a set," Wang respectfully pulled the chair pit to him. Bian who followed behind them closed the door. Xing only gave him a passing glance. "I'll cut to the chase, I'll be bringing my warriors into your country," Wang Bushen looked flabbergasted. "Lord… I don't understand. Are you searching for someone?" "You don't need to know anything about our missions. I'm just giving you a head up just in case you humans overreact and start to act out." "I can't allow this, my lord," Wang Bushen sighed softly. "we're currently at war with the grayling. If we let you enter your kind will be considered a threat as well." "I'm not asking for permission I'm just giving you information." Xing coldly glared his way. "We saved your kind this is the bare minimum you can do for us." "we.... we will let you know. Give me a few days to think about it," "One day. After that, I will bring my ground team down with me. Anyone who stands in our way will be considered enemies," with a cold hmph, he left the room.

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