Ch. 22: Weekend Plans

1881 Words

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: After class I waved to Kyle and made my way out to the courtyard in search of Ally. I couldn’t find her right away and started to text her, asking her where she was. As I waited for her reply I ran into Maxine and Marsha on their way to their favorite bench. Maxine still looked like something weighed on her, even with the small smile she wore while listening intently to Marsha. Ally hadn’t messaged back and I thought I could use this time to check in on Maxine a little. “Hey,” I said to both of them, and sat down next to them. “Hey!” Marsha said in her usual cheery tone, Max smiled at me in greeting. “So, how goes it?” I asked them. “Well, Maxie here is having a rough day, but I think she’s wiped out talking about it?” she pushed her shoulder into Maxine in questio

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