Ch. 15: Sunshine

2405 Words

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Today marked my last ‘first’ day. I began today with Humanities, Ally’s Humanities class, which I hadn’t been in before. This morning after exiting the bus, successfully avoiding any eye contact situations, I sat in the cafeteria with Angela, Melanie and June again until Ally came by. We had decided to walk and talk a bit and came across the school librarian, Mr. Waller, who taught my film class too. He was surprised to see students on campus so early, at 7:35am and was surprised when we told him I got there at 7:20. Empathizing with us a bit, he invited us into the library to wait until school started. The library had been delightfully warm compared to the dense cold fog surrounding the school. A few minutes before the first bell Simon joined us, having texted Ally prior

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