Ch. 31: Lana's Take

1954 Words

CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: Watching what was mine get hurt and be taken care of by some other male was driving me crazy. But I had been in crow form when I saw her walk into the pole and couldn’t just shift right there in this public park. Instead, I had to watch as a crowd gathered, a crowd full of males - worse yet, male mutts. One in particular had picked her up and stayed far too close to her for far too long. I sat perched at the top of a tree across the street at the park. I didn’t want to get closer and risk hearing something that would make me more upset. I wouldn’t risk losing my cool. Something felt off about the way she had lost focus and walked into that pole, and I spent a few minutes looking down at the group gathering around her. I was now able to hold this form for hours and was

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