Chapter One - Asking Him Out

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“Hi, Ashton! It’s good I met you here. Can you get a tuxedo for yourself by tomorrow?” asked Hayley, enjoying the jaw-dropped look on his face. Served him right! For years he had been an arrogant as*hole, proud of his panty-dropping good looks. Being six years older, he had hardly acknowledged her presence since the day she first saw him, eight years ago! What had changed now? Maybe she did! “Why?” Came his lazy drawl while his eyes glinted with amusement. Alexander rolled his eyes and ordered another drink to stay out of their way. “For our first dance. Why else?” retorted Hayley, and Ashton did a double take, choking on his spit. “What?” he somehow sputtered, trying to get a grip on himself. “To accompany me to my prom night at seven tomorrow. We will dance with each other for the first time. What did you think?” Alexander chuckled while Ashton gave her a blank stare. She tossed her shoulder-length, silky hair away from her face and walked away, leaving him gaping after her. The moment she turned her back towards him, a warm flush crept up her neck, acutely aware of his gaze checking her out. Although she was tempted to turn and see his reaction to her bold approach, she didn’t give in. Joining her friends, Alyssa, Sienna, and Skylar, who chuckled at her stunt, she winked at them. “You finally got him, Hails,” appreciated Skylar. “He’s still staring at you,” whispered Sienna. “Let him. He should now know that I’m not one to be ignored. I’m back in his life for good,” swore Hayley, picking up a fruity cocktail. At eighteen, she had just graduated high school and joined her dad’s hotel empire to train under his expert guidance. The sole heir to their multi-billion dollar-worth chain of boutique hotels, Barclay Resorts, And Suites, Hayley was inducted into the business a month ago. Her dad, Christopher Barclay, belonged to an aristocratic family and was highly respected in the social circles of the rich and famous of NYC. While her mom, Caroline Barclay, was a famous fashion designer, her granny, Sophia Barclay, was a well-known socialite in the city. Her aunt, Meredith, and uncle, Robert Barclay, were childless and well-established cardiologists in the city. Everyone doted upon Hayley as the only child of the entire Barclay family. “Yes, four years is a long time to stay away. If you’re serious about him, pursue him now that you’ve completed your school,” said Alyssa, sipping a similar cocktail. “But he has a girlfriend, right? What’s her name?” said Skylar, thinking hard. All of them had grown up together since their school days and knew everything about one another. Their other close friend, Eva, was the only one missing at the party since Alyssa’s parents had some grudge against her. They hardly interacted with Eva! It was strange, but they had accepted it by now! “Madison!” muttered Hayley. She hated her with a vengeance, and if she could, she would have thrown Madison out of Ashton’s life forever. “Right, I remember now. Is he still with her?” asked Skylar. “They are still friends, but I’m not sure whether they are in a relationship. I hate the way they always stick together,” said Hayley, her mood destroyed at the mention of Madison’s name. “Find out whether they are just friends or in a relationship,” advised Sienna. “Ask him when you go out with him tomorrow,” said Alyssa. “Are you crazy? I can’t openly ask him. Even if I did, he would just give me some smart-ass reply,” said Hayley with a groan. They went to devour the appetizers when Hayley’s glance fell upon Ashton, who still sat at the bar watching her! What was wrong with him? Was he watching her all the time they discussed him? Did he understand what they were talking about? Although they were standing out of his earshot, nothing was impossible for Ashton Pierce. He was extremely intelligent, with an abnormally high IQ, impressing everyone around him with his work. His abilities were beyond her comprehension! A smirk formed on his face as he held her gaze for what seemed like ages! It was difficult for her to understand the reason behind that smirk. Did he know they were discussing him? It would be so embarrassing if he did! She rolled her eyes and looked away, yet her face flushed with color at the attention. She wasn’t used to receiving so much attention from the one she had crushed on all her teenage years. She helped herself to the appetizers, but strangely, her friends were nowhere to be seen. Where did they all go? “So how about a little practice for our first dance?” said a husky voice in her ear, and she froze. Of course, she knew who it was. The one and only Ashton Pierce, the biggest flirt in the entire city! “No need!” Acutely aware of his nearness, she couldn’t turn to look at him. She couldn’t show him how much he still affected her. “Don’t accuse me of stepping on your shoes, then.” Hayley’s eyes widened, and she turned to look at him. With his face inches away from hers and his dazzling blue eyes focused on her, Hayley’s heart skipped a beat. She had never expected him to react this way to her after four years! “Have you forgotten how to dance? Didn’t you practice with Madison in the last four years?” she demanded with an eye roll. Ashton searched her beautiful hazel eyes, seeing the jealousy, the hurt he’d always seen there at the mention of Madison’s name. “Why should I dance with her? She’s just a close friend, that’s all.” “With benefits!” said Hayley, completing his unfinished statement. “No, I don’t do such things. I prefer one-night stands, no strings attached se*. I don’t believe in anything long-term,” muttered Ashton. There was hardly any surety of his own life. What stability would he provide in a permanent relationship? Even after working like a dog, he hadn’t been able to repay the debt yet. Gambino added a monthly rate of interest now, since his four years were already up. Since he never mentioned his dad even once in the last four years, Ashton had the feeling Gambino had killed him already. “I see! You’re weird. Madison is perfect for you.” Hayley turned to leave, her heart sinking at hearing his declaration. She knew it was his way of warning her off him, but he did not know how impossible it was for her to stay away from him. He had already etched his presence into her soul! Ashton caught her hand to stop her from leaving, sending a tremor of electric tingles up her body. “Be ready by 6. I’ll pick you up.” “No thanks. I’ll grab someone else.” His grip tightened, and he whirled her around to face him. Hayley lost her balance and grabbed his arm for support. “No. You’ll wait for me,” he said, his eyes boring into hers furiously. “Why should I? Don’t tell me you’re dying to dance with me,” she said, challenging him for the first time. Ashton looked surprised but quickly recovered and looked away, shutting all emotions down suddenly. “Don’t get your hopes up unnecessarily. You asked me first, I’m just honoring your request.” He released her abruptly and walked away without a word. Hayley lost her appetite after the interaction. It seemed nothing had changed between them. He was still immune to her! Did he love Madison? Her friends were with Alexander, and she joined them. Thankfully, she could nurse her wounds without having to face Ashton again. Alexander was in a rush to return home, and he dropped all of them. “Hayley dear, we need to talk to you,” said her granny the moment she went inside the palatial Barclay family mansion. “Can we talk some other time, granny? I’m exhausted now,” she pleaded, needing some time to reflect on her interaction with Ashton and lick her wounds alone in the sanctity of her room. She had no wish to accompany her granny to her charity balls, where she would be up to her matchmaking tricks! “This is important, Hayley,” said her mom, chiding her. “Sit down for a minute and let’s get this over and done with,” said her dad. Hayley frowned suspiciously at the three of them. It seemed as if they had been planning something behind her back. She sighed and sat down with them. The faster she dealt with this, the better. “Is anything the matter?” she asked, looking from one to the other. “There’s good news, Hayley. One of our patrons, Jason Lowells, owner of the renowned Lowells Wine Estates, which is one of the leading wine producing companies in our country, wants to meet you,” said her dad. Hayley gaped at him in disbelief. Why would such an important man want to meet her? “Oh, what does he want? I’ll ask Dana to fix an appointment with him,” said a clueless Hayley. Her dad had appointed Dana McCain as her PA, and she handled her work efficiently. Ten years older than Hayley, she needed the job to support her family and, therefore, didn’t give her an opportunity to complain. “No, don’t involve Dana. Jason wants to meet you personally,” said her dad. “Oh, why?” Hayley looked at all their eager faces, a sense of dread gripping her heart. “He wants to marry you, my dear,” said her granny.
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