Chapter 6

1068 Words
Otsana. The moment his grip on my neck was taken away, my body thudded against the hard floor. I felt a wave of pain come over me. I didn't know what else to do about it. I had never felt this kind of pain before. My body ached, and my inner heart felt like it was being stabbed. Did my mate just abandon me? I wasn't sure I could answer that question, but the truth filled me. Indeed I couldn't hide it. It wasn't my fault. Tears welled up in my eyes, and despite everything, he walked out, but before then, he glared at me almost like he wanted to leave me dead. Recalling that caused me to be really scared. I didn't know what was going to happen next. All I knew was that I was loving this place, and didn't know what could happen to me. He was obviously not happy with me being here which got me really scared. How was I going to make things alright again? My heart skipped a beat when the door was pushed open. I immediately stood up, and moved towards the bed. However, I saw it was Miradeth. It seemed she came to check up on me. However, when she noticed my sad mood, she quickly closed the door, and came in. “What's going on?” She asked with raised brows, and I was quiet. Should I really always bother her with my problems? Besides, my life was a total mess. He was going to make my already messed up life a hell I didn't want to find myself in. Besides, there were a lot of reasons why I was sad, but being here now was even more painful. “Otsana!” She called when she noticed the tears that had clouded my vision trail down my face like a stream. I sincerely wished I could be as free as my tears. I didn't know what else to cry about. Everything seemed like a sad memory. “Just let me be please… my life is already scattered. There's nothing to make me happy anymore. I feel pain anytime I think about it, but it's the truth.” Miradeth sighed. “Your uncle was brought to the alpha king…” She sighed. There was something about the way she sighed that caused me to fear. Why was she trying to make me fear? I was really scared about everything. She was scaring me like never before. My heart drummed, and I was wondering what was going on. Why was my uncle here? Did the alpha want him to take me back to the pack? A lot of questions went through my mind. I really wanted to know why he was here. “Tell me. Do you know why my uncle is here?” I asked with raised brows. I was really worried that he was here. If I was to be sent back to my uncle, he would likely kill me. He would see me as bad luck which was something I didn't understand. “I don't know why he's here, but they took him away, and now, I don't know where he is. I think you should just relax, and don't panic. Nothing's going to happen.” “Really?” I asked with raised brows even when I knew I was shaking inside. I was trying to be hopeful about the situation. After a while, someone knocked on the door which caused my heart to skip a beat. I was really worried about it. I thought he was back, but I quickly realized he was never going to knock on the door. Besides, there was a huge possibility it was a guard here to bring me to him. I was feeling the pain of being rejected by my mate, and at the same time being rejected by him. “Who's there?” I asked, my mind racing. Miradeth was also really worried about me. She was hoping things were going to be better. She knew how much pain I had faced in the hands of my uncle. “I'm here to bring you your food…” The voice replied, making me smile. I was hungry, and despite the aching heart, maybe having a meal would make me feel better. This place was probably not as bad as I made it feel. Besides, I felt better things were going to happen here, and I was hoping the moon goddess would help me out. “Come in,” I said, my eyes fixed on the door which opened in the next second. The girl who brought the food was a maid, but before she came near me, Miradeth moved to help her with the tray. “Thank you so much I'll take it from here,” She explained, and the lady bowed before walking out of the room. I couldn't believe I was respected. Maybe the fact that my coming was announced as the bride of the alpha was what made me get the respect which I was hoping for. “What else are you thinking about, aren't you hungry? Or would you wait for the whole kingdom to be taken away before you…” she trailed off, then smiled at me. “I know you're worried about everything, but you eat enough to regain your strength. Besides, you're starting to recover, and you should forget about the past.” Her advice was really good except it was really hard to forget about something that caused me so much pain. “You won't understand Miradeth. My life is a mess, and only the moon goddess can fix that.” She smiled. “I'm very sure you'd be fine as soon as you have a taste of this delicious meal. I know it…” Her words made me chuckle. She was the only one who really cared about me, and I was glad she was here. At least, there was someone I could talk to in the face of danger, and the person was luckily very positive. “You should eat…” she replied, and the next thing I knew I was stuffing my face with the mashed potatoes I was served. At that moment, someone familiar barged into the room, causing the meal I was given to get stuck in my throat. “What do you think you're doing?”
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