7 ABIGAIL “Yes, I needed to tell you I’d made up the beau,” I readily agreed. I had. It had been tormenting me. “But I didn’t need to be spanked to do so.” “Yes, you did,” Gabe countered. “We gave you plenty of opportunity to share your secret. You all but pushed us into it.” Had I? I hadn’t asked for it, but I hadn’t given them much choice with keeping them away and continuing the charade. I’d needed them to make me tell, but unfortunately, I still hadn’t lanced everything which continued to fester “You told us the truth and you feel better for it, don’t you?” Gabe asked. I breathed in his virile scent and couldn’t do anything except tilt my head and as he nuzzled down the line of my neck. Did I? Did I feel better telling them the truth, that they’d given me a way to let it out? No