1655 Words

Lilith "I told you to rest. I'll take care of it." Draven's voice echoed around the room and I turn away from the closet to face him. "I feel better now and I was tired of lying there." He shook his head in amusement but still took away the clothes from my hand. A maid had come earlier with bags of clothes saying that Draven had send them for me. They were mostly night shirts and comfortable pants in it. "I didn't know your size so I only got nightwear for you. We will go on shopping once you are well enough to go out." He said placing the small pile in the closet. He faced me again and held my face in the palm of his hands, the warmth emitting from them soothed my soul. I wanted nothing more at the moment. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I smiled tilting my head a little to kiss

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