(Aiden) How long have I been in this darkness. It feels like it's been years that I have been in this darkness. How is Kitiana? Is she safe? What about Gavin? My pack? I sigh sitting on what I think is the floor. I have been able to see glimpse here and there if I push hard enough, but by the time I get a glimpse of something I'm exhausted for trying so hard to get a glimpse and sleep for what seems like an eternity. Last glimpse I got was of Samantha on my lap kissing me, but before I could push her away I fell back into darkness. Something tells me that Samantha has something to do with this and I will keep pushing and fighting until I can get out of here and make her pay or I will die trying. Oh, Kitiana how much I wish to see your beautiful face, touch your curly hair, feel your skin