Chapter Eight

2005 Words
AZALEA I was brimming with excitement as I moved around the packhouse, making sure everything was cleaned up and ready to go. My babies were coming home, and I could not be happier.  “Luna, please, you should take it is easy,” Miss Marci said. “Let’s put Azly in the bouncer at least, or maybe Azeron can hold her.” I tried to stifle a laugh as I looked over at Azeron. I could see it on his face that he was not interested in wearing the baby carrier as he followed me around the packhouse.  “I’m okay, I promise. I just can’t sit still knowing my boys will be back any time now!” I exclaimed. Miss Marci just chuckled.  “We are all excited for them to be home,” she reassured. “I am going to finish up the cookies I made for tonight. Let me know if you need anything.” She left me with Azeron in the lounge and headed back to the kitchen. I looked at Azeron, who was watching me with raised eyebrows, and I just waved him off. “Mothers need their babies. I am sure your mother is the same way when you visit her,” I said. I could see the corner of his mouth twitch up while he remained silent; I was right. By the time I had the room dust-free, vacuumed, and completely tidied up, the front door was opening. “Liam, they are home!” I linked quickly as I rushed from the room.  Stepping into the foyer, I saw the kids coming through the front door, followed by Robert, Lyssa, the Hales, and Felix. Surprisingly, I wasn’t the first one to get to them. Lacey came sprinting from the stairs, making a straight line toward Felix. He actually smiled, stepping past the kids and caught her mid-air as she jumped for him. I slowed down, watching the scene in front of me.  They wasted no time in claiming each other, and Lyssa and Mrs. Hale didn’t hide their giggles. Felix held his mate in one arm and his bag in the other while walking right past all of us. The pair didn’t break away from each other as they disappeared upstairs.  “I suspect you should not expect any time off for at least another day,” I told Azeron as the kids all made retching noises as they watched. That actually got him to chuckle. I turned back around to my name being called loudly; Liam Jr. and Leo were running at me. I kneeled down, opening my arms for them, when I remembered I was carrying Azly. “Hold on!” I said quickly as they approached. They both stopped right in front of me.  “Mommy, is that my baby?” Leo asked excitedly.  “It is,” Liam said, joining us. “This is your baby sister.” Leo’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.  “Baby sister?” he asked excitedly, bouncing on his heels. Liam nodded.  “Can we see her?” Junior asked, looking between Liam and me. Delilah and Lucas joined us, also excited to meet the baby. “Of course!” I said. I stood up, and Liam grabbed Azly as I started unbuckling her carrier. As he pulled her out, she blinked open her little eyes, and a smile tugged at her lips.  “Hello, princess,” Liam smiled. “Let’s meet your brothers.” Liam kneeled, bringing Azly down to their level. “Liam, Leo, Delilah, Lucas, meet Azly.” “My baby!” Leo exclaimed, bouncing with joy. “Can I hold her?” “Maybe in a little bit,” Liam said, smiling. The kids fawned over the new addition to our family while Liam and I watched.  “Mom!” Lucas said happily as he looked behind us. Lily was coming down the hall. He left us to run to his mother, Delilah in tow.  “Oh my, I missed you guys,” she said, trying to hide her sadness with a smile.  “Where’s Daddy?” Delilah asked immediately, and I could see Lily falter for a moment.  “He is a little busy right now,” she said. “But I know that he cannot wait to see you guys. He will be so happy your back.” Lily looked up and connected eyes with Mrs. Hale; she was holding back tears. “Why don’t we all head to the kitchen and get some lunch. Miss Marci whipped some of your favorites because she was so excited for you all to be back,” Liam said quickly, diverting all the kids’ attention.  “Great, I am starving! Grandpa wouldn’t let us stop for lunch,” Lucas lamented. Everyone chuckled at him. Liam stood, settling Azly on his shoulder.  “I’ll be right there,” I linked him. He nodded and turned back to Lily.  “Son, after lunch, I would like a private word,” Robert said gruffly as he came down the hallway.  “Oh hush,” Lyssa said, pushing past him. “Now, let me get my hands on that beautiful little girl,” she squealed, coming straight for her son. Lyssa was immediately consumed by her new grandchild as she took her from Liam.  “She looks just like your mate,” Robert commented as he watched.  “That can happen, Dad,” Liam said dryly. I sighed and went over to Declan and Mrs. Hale.  “Welcome home,” I said softly, embracing Mrs. Hale. “He isn’t awake yet, is he? Lily looks just awful,” she said quietly. I shook my head.  “No, but he is getting better. We haven’t lost hope,” I replied. “You guys should go see him. I will talk to Lily about how she wants to tell the kids.” They both nodded their heads.  “Congratulations,” Declan said. “We are delighted you and the baby are okay.” “I know, thank you,” I said. “Damien will be too; I just know it.” “No matter what,” Declan said, choking up a bit. “I am proud of my boy. He’s a good son, father, and exceptional Beta. I just don’t want to bury my other child yet.” “Liam and I don’t want that either,” I said reassuringly. “We owe Damien so much.” Declan gave me a tight-lipped smile and nod before wrapping his arms around Mrs. Hale’s waist and leading her back out the front doors. I closed them softly behind them and headed to the kitchen to have some lunch with my children.    LIAM After lunch, my father followed me from the dining room. Felix had not emerged from his room yet, so I had no way to dodge him. Azalea took the kids to their rooms to unpack. I left Azly with Azalea and the kids to speak with my father in my office.  When we got inside, I went to sit behind my desk. “You let your mate and daughter be taken, then you can’t even finish the job?” he started with no preamble.  I gave him a dark look. “I do not need judgment from you on the result of that battle,” I growled.  “You need judgment from somewhere. Your Beta lies in a hospital bed unconscious now. You may have saved your mate, but at what expense?” “Don’t you even insinuate-” “I insinuate nothing. I have come to accept your mate but do not be fooled. I will never think she holds greater contribution to the leadership and strength of this pack than your second in command. She is far more of a hindrance than an asset to you. The moment something is wrong with the weak girl, you are unfocused,” he ranted.  “Stop!” I shouted. I paused before beginning again. “She is your Luna, and you will not bad mouth her to me. How I handle my mate and bond is none of your concern. She is not a weakness. The pack needs her, and I need her. Yes, Damien is vital to the running of this pack, but so is Azalea.” He just stared at me with simmering fury. “What are you doing about the vampire?” he finally asked.  “I need numbers. I am calling a summit for every pack on the continent. Messengers left this morning with instructions to seek out every single pack they could find. I am going to bring together the largest united force possible and attack Warwick with everything we have,” I explained, still fuming. His disrespect knew no bounds when it came to Azalea and me.  “And you think the vampire will just wait for you to attack?” he asked pointedly.  “Give me some credit. I know he will be planning something. Langston and I are working on that now,” I gritted.  “I will be attending your Summit.” “Why? You are not Alpha of this pack any longer,” I said.  “Because my name carries enough respect to make this plan of yours seem viable,” he spit. “You have not proved yourself, boy.” “Will I ever be good enough in your eyes?” I asked.  His eyes wandered for a minute before coming back to me. “When you start making the hard decisions and acting like a real Alpha, then maybe I will see you as one.” “Being Alpha doesn’t mean being cold-hearted, father. I think we are done discussing things for now,” I said with finality. “If you will excuse me, I have a war summit to prepare for.” With a forced laugh, my father left my office. The man infuriated me more than anyone else. Azalea may push my buttons fighting my decisions, but my father took things to a whole new level. He had no right to question my decisions or actions regarding Azalea when he rejected his mate in favor of someone stronger. How he had zero compassion, I will never know, but maybe his real mate was better off. At least my mother seems to have grown more of a heart since I brought Azalea home.  “Everything alright?” Azalea linked me. “Robert just came in to try and pry your mother away, and they fought in the hall until he stormed off….” “Sorry, Little Luna,” I replied. “We are not currently seeing eye to eye. Things will be okay.” “I love you, My Alpha,” she said.  “I love you, too.”   WARWICK “I think they are trying to garner more support, sir,” my minion reported. I tipped my head back, not holding back the smile the came to my mouth. “The mutt isn’t going to go down without a fight, I see,” I commented. “No matter. I am not without my own allies.” “What are your orders?” “Let’s continue to watch for now. Keep the humans on the lookout. I don’t want one of them smelling out my spies for now.” “Yes, sir,” my minion said with a bow. He backed out of the room, off to carry out my commands. I picked up my wine glass and swirled the deep crimson liquid around the glass, aerating the succulent spirit.  “So, Liam Blackfur is a bit smarter than I gave him credit for,” I said to myself. “He may have saved his mate, but his Beta is still gone. I can get the girl again, the pups too. Maybe I should move my timeline up a bit. He will watch everyone he loves suffer before I end the Blackfur name once and for all.”
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