Going to far

2108 Words

Third Person's POV As Arnold walks away from the witches, he is furious. How dare they! He is a hunter, and nobody talks to him that way. His father told him hunters were the superior race on Earth, and the Moon Goddess had picked him herself. How did Aurora and her witches go against him? He needed their help to defeat the unwanted hybrids. In his eyes, hybrids are only disgusting creatures that were not supposed even to exist. He knows Carol is a hybrid, and he loves her. But he was planning on killing one of her sides. If he can kill her vampire side, he knows she will only be a werewolf, which is not an abomination to the Moon Goddess. Here's the thought that he had nothing against hybrids. But the more he gets to do with him, the more he realizes they are not supposed to exist. They

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