
326 Words
DEMITRI I liked this little town, though I hadn't been here in a Millennium or two. I remember, I had a Great Aunt that lived here, maybe - the memory vanishes as fast as it came. Human memories are so hard to keep hold of. It was late evening, and I was just passing through. I had stayed close, and was travelling through the night. Engrossed in my own thoughts, it was lucky I even noticed her. She was not the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. That sounds mean, but it was true. She was quite plain, nothing to write home about, pardon the old expression. Her red hair, her blue eyes. She was skinny, average height. Down right normal. But she was not - normal that is. I stopped in front of her, making her jolt in surprise. She looked up, straight into my eyes. "Hello" I said. "You're not from around here are you?" I was always taught not to answer a question with another question, but its great for deflection. "What is your expiration date?" She froze. She had not expected my question. "July, forty years from now" she stammered. "So very precise" I grinned sarcastically "now tell me, how do you wish to spend your life?" She thought for a minute, it seemed to drag on forever, but, there was obviously a brain behind those eyes. Her answer was spoken carefully and considered. "I want a life full of adventure, fun, new experiences..." "To live everyday like its your last?" Her sudden in take of breath made me grin again. A small nod of her head. I leaned forward, my face close to hers, making it impossible for her to see anywhere by right into my eyes. "Come with me then!" Before she could answer, I knocked her out. Not my finest move, but it has always been rather effective. I picked her up and walked off into the night.
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