
1235 Words
Sarah POV Sarah, the candidates are arriving in one hour. Please make sure you’re presentable by then. Her father’s voice echoed through the mind-link, the distraction resulting in her receiving a punch to the nose. The c***k resonated around the training field, causing wolves around them to stop and stare at her as Sarah crashed to the ground. She hadn’t been expecting the force behind it. “Oh s**t, sorry!” Alexandra, her beta, ran toward her, crouching down and examining her face. Warm blood was trickling down to her mouth. It was so quiet around the training field, you could hear a needle drop. That was until Sarah started laughing. She let out a bubbling laugh, causing the tension around her to disappear and everyone to laugh along with her. It’s not that anyone would get punished for accidentally breaking one’s nose during training that had everyone on edge, but the fact that Sarah was expected to be camera-ready in about an hour. Her Father was marrying her off to the Alpha that performed the best during these stupid trials and to make matters worse, the Royal Pastor, Alastair Abercrombie, had convinced her father to make a spectacle of it. And by spectacle, she meant a TV-show. “Your Majesty, why don’t we use this opportunity to boost the Kingdom’s popularity and broadcast this on the Werewolf network?” Alastair had said, while tearing strips off a chicken leg, holding it in his disgusting little hands. Sarah had always been appalled by the man’s table manners, especially for someone who resided at the Royal court. Why her father put up with it she didn’t know. The man in general was just creepy, if she were being honest. Sarah stared down at her own plate of food, as her stomach churned in protest. The recent news she had received from her father and the Royal Elders had her blood boiling. As the only child of King William Barclay and Luna McBeth, Sarah was the next in line to be the Queen of Werewolves and Alpha of her pack. But her Father and the Elders were horribly old-fashioned. After she had been informed of the fact that she could not ascend the thrown without a husband to take the title of King and Alpha by her Father, she had summoned the tribunal of Royal elders, hoping they would reconsider the chauvinistic law. It was clearly outdated and sexist. “A girl can’t possibly become Alpha,” One of the Elders had sneered while the others burst out laughing. “At twenty-eight, one would surely have already found their mate, meaning the man is probably dead. It’s time to force her hand, Your Majesty.” One of the elders harshly spoke. Her father had looked at her apologetically, slightly shrugging his shoulders in a ‘I told you so’ kind of fashion. “No, your Majesty, the Alpha trials are the only way forward….” Sarah had tuned out after that, heartbroken to the fact that she would be sold off like cattle. None of this would be happening if her mother had still been alive. Though Sarah knew her father lover her, the man valued the opinion of the Elders and the Nobels far too much. “Hmm,” Her Father had hummed, carefully digesting the Pastor's suggestion, “what kind of TV show?” “It could be like the human Bachelorette. Have you ever seen it, your Majesty?” Alastair continued on, an amused look on his face as if it was the funniest thing ever. “I can’t say that I have,” her father replied dryly, carefully cutting up the meat on his plate. “Oh Sir, it is quite amusing, if I say so myself,” Alastair chuckled, oblivious to Sarah’s hate-filled glare directed at him. “It centers around a woman who is looking for a husband. The candidates have to do these little challenges along with dates. At the end of each episode, the woman hands out a rose to each man she wants to keep in the game. Yes, very entertaining indeed.” “I’m happy that my fate amuses you, Pastor Alastair, maybe you can hold a Sunday sermon about it,” Sarah’s lips curled into a malicious grin as the Pastor’s eyes turned toward her. “Sarah,” Her Father warned. “Oh Sire, it is quite alright,” The pastor smiled at her Father before turning to her, “Sarah, if told you many times, you may call me Alastair, there is no need for titles amongst equals, and I understand that this is hard on you, my sweet girl, but I suggest you find comfort in prayer. The Moon Goddess is never wrong,” He concluded his advice. Sarah forced back a snort. It wasn’t the Moon Goddess that was doing this to her, it was her own Father and those bloody Elders. “Sarah, are you alright?” Alexandra was looking at her curiously from her crouching position. It seemed she had drifted off in thought. “You don’t have a concussion, do you? Do we need to postpone the trials? Or should I hit you harder so you do have a concussion?” Alexandra mumbled the last part, making her lips curl up into a smile. “I’m fine, unfortunately” Sarah replied, before pushing her nose back in place with a c***k. She could already feel it starting to tingle, indicating her wolf had already started to heal her. She wiped her nose with her black tank top, before taking Alexandra’s outstretched hand, and letting her friend pull her up to her feet. Sarah pulled her hair out of her bun, causing her blonde curls to spring free. It was the only thing she had inherited from her mother. “Better go make ourselves look presentable,” Alexandra gave her a wry smile, as they linked arms and walked towards the castle together. “Training’s over!” Sarah called out over her shoulder at the warriors. Unlike her Father who had only trained with his own Unit, leaving the warriors regime over to the war generals, Sarah was a very involved leader and she was loved and respected for it. Well, by most at least. As they walked toward the castle on the hill, Sarah looked out over the landscape of her lovely Kingdom. The sky was a clear blue, no cloud in sight. A light breeze caressed the water’s edge, causing a pleasant temperature for the time of year. The King’s castle looked out over the Loch on one side and the forest on the other. Sarah could see the town come to life every morning from her bedroom window. It was one of the things she loved most. They had only just reached the top of the hill, nearing the castle’s entrance, when a cacophony of frantic voices came through the mind-link, making it hard for her to focus on what was going on. Rogues! Alpha! Ro— South Border there’s r— But the word rogues was enough to set her and Alexandra into motion. They both quickly shifted into their wolves and raced toward the forest, straight to the south border. Every available warrior, South Border, now! Sarah ordered before cutting the link, and racing toward the battle. Guess her TV debut would have to wait.
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