Creepy encounter

1303 Words
Sarah POV The last 48 hours had been out of some bad horror movie. Sarah had been restricted to her room with armed guards checking in on her every few minutes, making sure she stayed right where Alistair wanted her to. It was clear to her that Alistair didn’t trust her to do as she was told. And he was damn right! She’d even had to have her meals in her room, sometimes with Alexandra, which was nice, and other times with Alistair, which, needless to say, made her skin crawl. She’d paced her room more than once, worrying about the father and Marcus. Was her father still alive? She needed to speak to the doctor again. And how was Marcus doing? The first time she was allowed out properly was for that awful trial. She’d been so worried for Marcus. Just thinking about it made her hug him even tighter. It felt so good to be in Marcus’ arms again. So safe and warm, like a fleece blanket on a cold day. She reveled in his smell and touch, loving the way he wrapped around her. She wondered how she’d gone so long without him. She couldn’t imagine her life without Marcus. However, that thought also scared her. Their touches soon turned more feverish, and needy. “Marcus, I have to get back before they find out I’m missing… Alistair, he’s keeping close tabs on me. He’s preventing me from wandering around.” “Shhh,” Marcus placed a finger against her mouth, “Let me at least lessen your anxiety. I’ll make it quick,” He promised, before disappearing under her skirt. Sarah’s head lulled back and soon, she was biting her lip to keep from crying out. “Marcus,” She whispered as he hummed against her clit, causing her eyes to roll back into her head. He added two fingers inside of her and expectedly brought her to an explosive o****m. After lapping up her juices, and teasing her some more by licking her now oversensitive clit, Marcus reappeared with a huge smile on his face. “That was exactly what I needed,” He chuckled. “What you needed, huh?” Sarah smiled, pulling him in for another kiss. “Hearing you call out my name when you c****x, is the best thing in the world,” He spoke while trailing his nose from her collarbone to her ear, “Well, other than being buried inside of you,” He whispered. “You’re driving me crazy,” She moaned softly. “You have to get back.” Marcus groaned, his eyes closed as he rested his head against her neck. “I wish I could smell you…” He whispered. It caused Sarah’s insides to turn to mush. This man…was something else. “We have to play our parts. Pretend like we’re going along with his deranged plan.” He suddenly spoke, changing the subject. Sarah nodded and pulled back but she was quickly pulled back by Marcus, who cupped her cheeks and molded his lips against her softly. “Be careful,” He whispered. “You too. I was so worried about you today,” She kissed him one more time, before remembering she needed to tell him something. “Marcus, there are secret hallways all over this castle.” She quickly explained, pushing open one in the closet. “If you keep walking straight ahead and then use the stairs, it will lead you straight to my room. But be careful, Marcus, Alistair is staying in the room across from mine,” She sighed. Marcus’ eyes darkened with anger. Just when he was about to respond, she received a frantic mind-link from Alexandra. Alistair is on his way! “s**t! I have to go!” With one last glance at Marcus, she pushed open the door, before shutting it behind her. The hallways were eerily quiet as Sarah crept through the dark cold passageway, hoping to get back to her room before Alistair reached it. Though she was hoping he wouldn’t come inside. Shit! She smelled like Marcus! Sarah cursed herself for her carelessness, but the urge to be close to him was greater than the need to stay away. She’d needed his comfort to survive this ordeal. Sarah! He’s already climbing the stairs! Shit! Coming! Sarah quickly shifted into her beast. It not only made her faster, but it spared her the fuss of having to get out of her clothes when she got to her room. Hurry! Sarah spurred on her wolf as they pushed through the narrow passages, quickly climbing the final stairs. Her wolf shifted her back and Sarah quickly pushed open the secret passageway, stepped into her room and jumped into the shower. She frantically washed herself, using excessive soap to cleanse her body of anything Marcus might have left behind. She closed her eyes as she let the hot water cascade down her body, enjoying the way her muscles loosened. The pipes groaned as Sarah shut off the water. She opened the shower door, which was covered in fog, and reached for her towel. She dried off in the shower and wrapped her towel around her. “What the f**k?!” She yelled when she stepped out of the shower to find Alistair leaning against the wall. “How long have you been in here?” “Relax,” Alistair smirked, pushing off the wall to walk closer to her. Sarah stepped away until her back hit the shower door. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you shift during training before.” He chuckled. “You have nothing to be ashamed about,” He winked, letting his eyes trail her as if he could see through her towel. Sarah gripped the towel, wrapping it tighter around her body. When her eyes moved back to Alistair’s face, she noticed how much younger he seemed. What was going on with him? “You’re right. I’m not the one who should be ashamed. I’m not the one creeping around in a woman’s bathroom.” She countered, holding her head up high. If he thought he could intimidate her, he was bloody wrong! Alistair chuckled and suddenly trailed his hand from her elbow to her hand. The move was so sudden, that Sarah didn’t have time to pull back. “Don’t touch me!” She grated out, yanking her hand out of his reach. She felt a sudden sting where his skin had been connected with hers. “What did you do?” She whispered, eyeing him suspiciously while rubbing her palm over the back of her hand, trying to soothe the pain. “Are you sure you don’t want me to touch you?” He leaned forward, with a smirk on his face, eyeing her cautiously. Sarah stared back at him with a narrowed gaze, daring him to touch her once more. Alistair pulled back, before bursting out laughing. “I don’t know if anyone has ever told you, but you’re too uptight. But don’t worry. You’ll be begging me to touch you soon enough,” He chuckled, before leaving the room. What the hell happened to the religious Pastor who preached abstinence? Sarah thought back to all of her interactions with Alistair over the years. Had he always been so obsessed with her? Sarah let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, making a mental note to lock her bedroom and bathroom door from now on. She stared down at her hand. The place he’d touched was still stinging, but she didn’t see a mark of any kind. She needed to make a plan with Marcus, and their friends, people they could trust. But most importantly, they needed allies from outside the castle…and Sarah knew just where to look.
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