Losing a Beta

1677 Words
Marcus POV When the first rays of light snuck through the cracks of the shutters Marcus carefully kissed Sarah’s forehead, before sneaking out of bed. He would stay if he could, but the chance of getting caught by the guards was getting higher by the second. He needed to get out of here, and he needed to come clean to Alexander. That was not going to be an easy conversation. He couldn’t believe he’d slept with Sarah…that had not been his intent when he had been searching for something to eat. But then again, nothing seemed to be going the way he’d planned out. His stomach growled loudly, protesting it’s emptiness from the last twenty four hours. He walked the castle halls, mulling over his explanation to Alex. Without realizing it, he’d already gotten back to the room. As he stood in front of the door, it suddenly burst open. “There you are! I was beginning to thing you’d left us or something,” Benjamin said, before continuing, “They’ve just announced the next trial…It’s a strength trial. Which means sparring. It’ll start an hour after lunch.” Great, just great. That was just what he needed on top of all of the drama that was already going on. “Where were you?” Marcus heard a deathly calm voice he recognized all too well. Pushing the door open further, Marcus came face to face with Alexander. “Where were you all night, Marcus?” He asked again, “You’re bed is unslept,” “I was with her.” Alexander’s eyes bore into his, flashing dangerously. “What were you doing?” Alexander stepped closer to him, their eyes boring into each other. “I’m sorry, Alex… I slept with her,” Before Marcus could explain anything else, Alexander started beating him. Marcus held up his hands to protect his face, but that only caused Alexander to hit him anywhere else he could reach. He deserved every second of it. Every hit, every punch, all the pain he would receive. Suddenly, the beating stopped. Marcus looked up and saw that Benjamin and Noah had pulled Alexander off him. “Let go!” Alexander growled, pulling himself free from the two men. “After all the s**t I’ve been through….after everything!” Alexander yelled, trying to hold himself back, “You pull something like this! You know how much I’ve been hurting, Marcus! You were there! Why would you do this?! I thought you were my friend!” “Hey guys, you’re not having a party without me now, are you?” Christian walked in with a wicked grin on his face, but it quickly faltered when he noticed the seriousness of the situation. “I’m staying in your room tonight,” Alexander grabbed his pillow, “I thought you were my friends, but of course you choose Marcus over me!” he glared at Benjamin and Noah, before storming out of the room, with one last look at Marcus. It was the look of a man in pain. Marcus hung his head in shame. “Alex!” Noah called over him, while Benjamin turned to Marcus with a glare of his own. Christian gave the men a sympathetic look before following Alexander out of the room. “What the f**k, Marcus?” Benjamin began, “Who the hell sleeps with another man’s mate after you already knew who she was to him?!” “What a d**k move,” Noah agreed, shaking his head in disgust. Marcus started to second-guess himself. At this rate, he was going to lose his unit. “Why would you do this, Marc?” Noah asked, as Benjamin let out a grumbled this is f****d up and left. “I—I don’t know. It just felt right,” At the time. Now he wasn’t so sure. “If I were you, I’d give Alex some space and stay away from her, man. Come on, how would you feel if Alexander slept with your mate? You’d kill him,” And he wasn’t wrong. Friend or not, Marcus really would. Nor him nor his wolf would stand for the disrespect. “I can’t—I can’t give her up,” Marcus breathed out, as he felt his wolf heal his wounds. “Just for a little while, until we can sort this out… But what do you think will happen when she realizes Alexander is her mate, and that you knew but slept with her anyway?” Marcus hadn’t thought of that. Every time she was in his proximity, all he could think about was her. During breakfast as well as lunch, Alexander was nowhere to be found. Marcus had searched the dining hall with his eyes, as well as the outside court, but Alex was no where in sight. To make matters worse, not one of his other friends had wanted to be near him. He could see Julian staring at him from across the courtyard. He smirked every time Marcus looked up and whispered something to his friends, who mimicked his facial expression. He felt like s**t. He longed to see her, to feel better about his spur-in-the-moment decision last night, but of course, she too, was missing. Were they…together? Had Alexander stormed off to tell her they were mates? Were they making love? Was every thought of Marcus already removed from her mind? His thoughts couldn’t spiral for long, because a sharp pain in his chest took ahold of him, making it hard for him to breath. But it had disappeared as soon as it had started. What the hell was that? The blaring of an alarm sounded from all over. Marcus saw the Alpha’s and their unit’s in the courtyard looking as confused as he felt, until warriors stormed out of the castle. “What’s going on?” Marcus grabbed ahold of one of them and demanded answers. “Rogues! Rogues are attacking from all around!” Marcus didn’t hesitate, and followed behind the warrior, shifting into his massive black beast on the way. During his rush through the forest, he spotted her. A white wolf, with other wolves, followed behind as they raced towards the oncoming danger. Though he had never seen her wolf before, he knew it was her. The unmistakable power she exuded was enough to make any wolf cower in her presence, and the way she barked orders at the wolves surrounding her…it was clear she was strong, a leader they looked up to. Marcus didn’t have to wait long for them to be upon the enemy wolves. He ripped into one that was sneaking up on one of the King’s guards. The snapping of jaws, and ripping of flesh was all that could be heard, as wolves around him defended the Kingdom, fighting in unison. When he noticed Sarah was distracted by two wolves in front of her, while one tried creeping up from behind, he didn’t hesitate to push off on his heels and race toward her. He could see that her elite warriors were all in fights of their own, unaware of the looming threat to their Princess. His jaw wrapped around the wolf’s throat, as he let his teeth sink into the soft flesh. The wolf in his grip whimpered and cried out, before Marcus snapped it’s neck without any hint of hesitation, throwing it’s limp body to the forest floor. Sarah’s eyes locked with his, before she dipped her head and moved on toward the next victim. Marcus raced off to help the next warrior in danger. He noticed a lot of the visiting Alpha’s helping out. What kind of idiots would attack while the kingdom is full of Alphas? Marcus wondered. Unless this was a distraction. But what would they need to be distracted from? Marcus heard a growl behind him, turning around, he noticed three wolves. They lunged forward, pushing him back. Marcus snapped his teeth, trying to warn them off, but they kept coming, moving in sync, pushing him back. All of a sudden, Marcus found himself surrounded by rogues. But the strange thing was…they weren’t attacking. They were just snapping their jaws, pushing him into a direction they wanted him to go. Marcus decided to test his theory by lunging forward and attacking one of the wolves before him. He whimpered, trying to get free. Another nipped at his tail, causing him to let go, but none attacked. Luckily for him, Alpha Elijah and his unit soon stepped up, fighting the rogues until they realized they were outnumbered and fled. Shifting back, Marcus looked at the scene in front of him. a few dozen dead wolves lay scattered around the place. “Are you okay?” Elijah asked, shifting back as well. “Yeah, thanks man,” Marcus said, patting his shoulder. Marcus saw Sarah in the distance. She’d already shifted back and had pulled on a dress. He could hear her ordering warriors to pile up the bodies and burn them. She turned and smiled at him softly, but he knew she had to head back to hold a meeting with her elite, figure out what was going on and discuss a battle plan. When Marcus and the other Alphas walked out of the forest, he could see Julian in the distance. That f*****g coward hadn’t even made the effort to help! But his eyes soon moved to Alexader, who exited the castle. He was talking to a man Marcus recognized as the Pastor. A few people walked out behind them. When Alex and the Pastor shook hands, Marcus walked toward them, curious as to what was going on. “Alexander, can I talk to you for a minute?” He asked, his eyes moving between the two men. “No, and it’s Alpha Alexander to you!” “Alpha?” Marcus brows furrowed. “Yes. Alpha. I’ve rejected you as my Alpha Marcus.” When Marcus didn’t answer, Alexander continued. “I’m joining the trials. I’m fighting for my mate,”
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