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Marcus POV Returning to his room, Marcus slammed the door with such force, that splinters of wood flew everywhere. How the f**k did Julian know what Sarah and him had been up to on the beach? “Dude, what the hell?” Alexander jumped. “Sorry, it’s just—” “That St. James douche, yeah, I saw,” Alexander sneered, pointing to his laptop. He had been flying his own drone again. “what an asshole.” “How the hell did he know what happened on my date with Sarah?” Marcus paced the room at a ferocious pace. “What exactly happened on this date that has you so worked up?” Benjamin asked. Suddenly, Marcus had the attention of his entire unit. “We—I—” He sighed loudly. Though the guys did occasionally talk about their conquests, sometimes even sharing some, telling them about her felt wrong. “You…?” Alex asked, opening a bag of chips that he produced out of thin air. “How did you get chips?” Noah asked. “One of the kitchen girls and I—” Alex began. “Got it,” Noah held up his hand, stopping Alexander from talking about his latest conquest. “Anyway, you were talking about all of the dirty things you and the Princess have been up to,” Alex said, popping a chip into his mouth. Marcus glared at him, before huffing. “Yes, some things did happen,” he explained, without going into detail. “But how would Julian know that?” Benjamin pondered, “I wanted to suggest he might be hacking the drones, but they weren’t present when you and the Princess were—busy, so that can’t be it.” “He must be using his own drone, like us,” Noah interjected. Marcus thought about that for a while. It did seem like the only option, other than the man hiding in the bushes. “Hello?! Are we just going to ignore the fact that our Alpha has been getting it on with the Princess? And we haven’t even been here a full week yet. Good job, man! You’re definitely going to earn a spot in the top three,” Alexander held up his hand to high five Marcus, but he didn’t respond in kind. “Don’t talk about her that way,” Marcus let out a snarl, grabbing Alex by the scruff of his shirt. “Dude, I was joking. I’m sorry,” Alexander pulled out of Marcus’ grip. Marcus decided to let it go. Alexander hadn’t been himself since his breakup with Mackenzie. Though it had been a few years now, the man had never really processed what had happened and just washed away his pain with liquor and one-night stands. “You know who else showed up today? Christian.” Marcus said, changing the subject. However, Benjamin kept eyeing him suspiciously. “Wow, I completely forgot about him. Was he even at the last challenge?” The men all racked their brains for possible sightings of Christian, but none could think of any. What was he up to? “Best keep an eye on him,” Marcus suggested. A knock on their door had all four men sharing an uneasy look. When Marcus opened up, Christian was on the other end. Marcus opened his mouth to speak, but Christian held a finger to his lips and gestured for the men to follow him to his room. When they were all inside, Christian silently closed the door, before holding a finger to his mouth again. He walked toward his phone and put on some loud music, ushering the men to follow him towards his balcony. When the men were all outside, Christian quietly slid the door closed, before turning around to face them. “What’s going on? Where the hell have you been?” Marcus asked, folding his arms across his chest. “And why do you have a balcony and we don’t?” Alexander chimed in, mimicking Marcus. It was a pretty good question. “That, I can’t answer,” He said, starting with Alexander’s question, “I haven’t been completely honest with you… I’m not here voluntarily,” Christian said, pulling the invitation out of his suit pocket, and handing it to Marcus. At first, Marcus was confused, but when he flipped the card over, he noticed the handwritten sentence. “But who would threaten you and why?” “That’s what I wanted to find out before I mentioned anything. That’s where I’ve been. Did you know this castle has some cool secret passages? Anyway, I was summoned to meet with this mystery guy. Well, I met him, but it was a rogue. He obviously works for someone.” Christian spoke. “You met a rogue inside the castle?” Marcus asked, crooking a brow. Christian nodded in reply. “The secret passageways lead to underground tunnels. He works for someone, and I’m going to find out who. Anyway, I got my first job. I have to take out one of the candidates to prove my loyalty.” “Take out?” Marcus asked. Did he mean kill? “Sorry, poor choice of words. I have to get them to drop out or be sent home,” He clarified with a chuckle. “I don’t want to, but I’m going to have to if I want to find out who’s behind all of this. So are you going to help me or not?” The rest of the evening was pretty quiet. To his disappointment, Marcus didn’t see Sarah anywhere during dinner. He may of may not have done and extra round of the castle, hoping to bump into her somewhere. He had even contemplated sneaking to her wing of the castle, but had quickly talked himself out of it. If he got disqualified, he might never see her again. The following day, the same thing happened at breakfast. No Sarah. When halfway through the day Marcus noticed Elijah leaving all dressed up, he knew that the date had started. They would probably be doing an activity followed by dinner, the same as him. Though he hoped not everything would be the same. Trying to keep busy, he wandered the grounds around the castle with Benjamin, talking casually, until he noticed a group of elite warriors training. Training would surely take his mind off of what Elijah and Sarah might be doing. He looked over at Benjamin, “Want to join them?” “Sure, why not? I could use something to let out all of this pent up energy,” He shrugged. Luckily, they were already both in sweatpants and a shirt. “Mind if we join in?” Marcus asked, as they approached the group. “Nope, not at all, we’re always looking for new people to beat,” A beautiful blond smiled sinisterly. Marcus threw off his shirt and took on a fighting stance in front of Benjamin. “She’s scary,” Benjamin whispered. Training had done wonders to take his mind off of the date, but after dinner, he couldn’t stop thinking about it, so Marcus decided to go for a walk. He wondered what Elijah and Sarah were doing. Was she having fun? Was she laughing at Elijah’s jokes the same way she laughed at his? Were they talking about personal things? He admonished himself for his foolish thoughts. What was going on with him?! He didn’t want a mate! I don’t want a mate. I don’t want a mate. I don’t want a mate. Marcus kept repeating during his after dinner walk in the woods, but when he heard a car stopping, he couldn’t stop himself from peering out from between the trees. He watched as Elijah exited the car before making his way over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door and held out his hand for the Princess. She was a vision. Even though it was dusk, he could see she was wearing a black dress this time. It had a lace bodice and a long skirt. When she walked, Marcus’ eyes moved to the high slit in her dress, which uncovered her toned legs. He swallowed back the desire he felt. He wasn’t proud of himself for standing there, watching the pair saying their goodbyes. He was even less proud of the smirk that appeared on his face when Sarah kindly shook Elijah’s hand. Giving her one last smile, Elijah turned around and disappeared from view. “You can come out now, you stalker,” Sarah stated loudly, without looking his way. Marcus smile turned to a smirk. He quickly pulled out a flower he saw nearby and walked over to her. “Did you have a nice date?” He asked. “Why? Are you jealous?” She shot at him, crooking an eyebrow. “Should I be?” He asked. “Well, they did stop filming at one point, who knows what we did after that. So maybe you should be,” She shrugged, picking an invisible lint from her dress. Marcus guffawed. “That handshake said otherwise, Princess,” “Maybe my kisses are reserved for someone else,” she suddenly looked into his eyes, a blush creeping up her cheeks. “Go on a date with me,” he suddenly said, surprising himself. He held out the flower he had picked for her. “We already went on one, or have you forgotten?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “No, I mean one without all of the cameras. Let’s sneak out and head into town for some dancing,” “What? I can’t just sneak out! I’m a Princess, people will recognize me,” Sarah hesitated. “Wear a wig and something you don’t normally wear,” Marcus suggested. “No, we can’t do that. That’s crazy.”
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