
1364 Words
Sarah POV As a child, Sarah had seen a prisoner being tortured once by accident. She had snuck down in the dungeons, while one of her nannies had been distracted. She wanted to play with her father and when she couldn’t find him in his office, she had gone to the other place she knew he often was. The door had accidentally been left open a c***k, so she had snuck down, wanting to surprise her father. With a giddy feeling in her stomach and a smile on her face, she had snuck down. When she had heard growls and grunts, she thought her father was on to her and was pretending to be a bear again, so she started giggling, holding her little hand in front of her mouth. Her little bear pluche had fallen from her hands once she saw what was actually happening. Her father stood leaned over a man who was strapped to a table. He had a knife in his hands and was moving closer. The prisoner had eyes as big as saucers. The fear around the room had been palpable. “No, no, please,” He had started to beg, when her father got closer. Sarah, being a child, thought her father was playing a game, but when the knife plunged into the man and he screamed, Sarah let out the smallest gasp, but it was enough to make her father turn around. “Sarah?” she would never forget that image. Her father covered in blood, while the man behind him screamed and screamed. She would rather be that man strapped to the table right now than be here. This was worse than torture. Sarah tapped her nails on the coffee table, as she waited for Miranda to take a seat so they could start the most awkward interview ever. She completely ignored Marcus next to her, though she could feel him looking at her every once in a while. They couldn’t talk, not here. She wanted to yell at him somewhere private. “So, Princess Sarah, what is your first impression of the handsome Alpha Marcus,” Miranda asked, sitting across from the pair in a secluded space behind the stage. “He’s alright,” Sarah chuckled, “You see, as a Princess, I do meet a lot of people, see a lot of faces, and his is a-okay,” Miranda’s smile fell, but she quickly recovered. But the most satisfying thing was feeling Alpha Marcus tense next to her, letting out the most silent scoff she had ever heard. “Alpha Marcus, what is your first impression of Princess Sarah?” Miranda continued. Sarah glanced sideways for a second and knew from the smirk that had formed on his face that she wasn’t going to like his answer. “Though blondes aren’t usually my forte, I prefer black-haired beauties,” he winked at Miranda, causing her to let out a ridiculous giggle, “I’m sure she won’t mind getting a make-over if I should win the trials,” Sarah laughed along with the two of them, making sure to plant the heel of her stiletto into Marcus’ foot under the table. “So, what do you think you’ll be doing for your first date? Will it be something romantic?” Miranda gushed, looking into the camera dramatically. “I was thinking…a day working at the Royal stables might be a good idea. Everyone knows how stuck up some Alphas can be, let’s see if Marco here wants to get his hands dirty,” Sarah smiled like a lunatic. “Stuck-up Alphas huh? What about uptight Princesses,” Marcus proclaimed, standing up. Sarah had had enough of this bullshit, so she also stood up. “Well folks, you heard it here first at Couch Confessions.” Miranda quickly intervened, wrapping up the interview. Marcus and Sarah stood stock still, their eyes moving from one to the other in a stand-off. “I don’t know what that was, but it was the worst interview ever. Pull yourself together people. I have a reputation to uphold,” Miranda snapped, leaving the room. Sarah opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Miranda popped her head in. “I’m going to announce the next trial to everyone, you might want to join us,” she left no room for argument. Sarah threw Marcus a glare before following behind Miranda for the next round of torture. She had never been so annoyed in all of her life that she couldn’t mind-link. She fantasized about all of the names she could be calling Marcus right now with no one knowing. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the next trial will be one of knowledge. Who knows the most about our Kingdom and the history of these old lands? The Alphas and their units will have one day to prepare since tomorrow, our lovely Princess and the handsome Alpha Marcus will have their date. That was it for us today. Tune in tomorrow for more drama on The Bachelorette: The Alpha Trials edition,” Miranda spoke into the camera. “Okay people, that’s a wrap. Now let’s get out of here, so we can put this disastrous day behind us,” she snapped her fingers at the camera people. Finally, she could yank Marcus away from here and yell at him. But no, of course not. All of the Alphas wanted to talk to her and compliment her on her beauty. But she knew they all just wanted a foot up in the competition. “Princess Sarah,” she heard the smileball’s voice behind her. “Alpha Julian,” she acknowledged with the incline of her head. “I would like to apologize for my behavior earlier.” He stated, with a smile, grabbing her hand in his. “This might be a lesson for you, Alpha Julian. Never judge a book by it’s cover,” His grip on her hand tightened as he pulled her closer, his other hand raking up and down her side. “Please, don’t pretend you didn’t like it,” he whispered in her ear. “I suggest you get yourself back in line, Alpha, or you might find yourself mysteriously breaking your neck in one of the next trials,” she threatened lowly. Alpha Julian and her stood staring at each other for a few moments before he burst out in laughter. “We both know you don’t have that kind of power,” he sneered. “Princess Sarah, there you are,” Alexandra’s voice sounded next to the pair. “Everything okay over here?” Alexandra asked, looking between the two. “Everything is perfectly fine,” Julian smiled, before letting go of Sarah and walking over to his unit. “What was that?” Alexandra asked. “Just another arrogant Alpha,” Sarah shrugged, “speaking of which, where is he?” Sarah asked, looking around the now almost empty ballroom. After speaking to her, most Alpha’s had retired for the night. “I think I saw him leaving a few moments ago,” Alexandra stated, “So, your midnight f**k is an Alpha, huh? I hate to say ‘I told you so’…” “Then don’t” Sarah groaned, “and we didn’t f**k, so stop calling him that,” Sarah was the very last one to leave the ballroom. She had sent Alexandra away when she saw her yawning for the umpteenth time that night. She had been reluctant to leave Sarah but had left after a while anyway. The hallway was deadly quiet when Sarah exited the ballroom, the only sound was the clacking of her heels on the stone floor. She couldn’t wait to kick them off and release her feet of these torturous things when suddenly, an arm grabbed her and yanked her into the supplies closet near the ballroom. Sarah tried to scream, but a hand covered her face, so she used her elbow to hit her assailant in the ribs. “Umpfhh,” she heard behind her. She wanted to open the door, but his voice stopped her. “Wait, it's me. We need to talk.”
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